
Yeah, why would anyone want to take a medicine that makes them feel like they were 20 years younger. How old are you? Have you had the experience of not being able to do things you used to love? Stop being so judgy and let old people do what they want as long as they are aware of the risks. I would love old people to

If I were you, I would check with actual steroid users to see what they use to avoid side effects when cycling. Although you won't be using the substance unsafely, there are a lot of things you can do to maintain your health better while using T. Some steroid users are actually semi-intelligent and care about the long

You are a sick human being. LOL old guys are getting cancer and having heart attacks because a company sold them a drug that makes them feel better, but may kill them.

Based on life span, you argument doesn't pan out.

Yeah, agreed. Testosterone lessens as you get older. You don't have low T. Although, it is useful for men who actually have almost no T or just old dudes who want to feel younger and virile at any cost.

To be fair, when taken correctly, it does fix most problems. Unfortunately, like many medications, it also causes others. People should be aware of the side effects, but I am a little ashamed of the author summing up older men feeling healthy and attributing it to ego. That is a shit assumption.

What you just described isn't legal btw. Doctors can't prescribe controlled substances without meeting you.

Hopefully they listens to the Clubber's Guide to Summer to prepare. Otherwise, you just won't know what hot tunes are spinning these days.

Why, was she formerly his beard?

To be fair, Spiderman was asking for it.

The doc does great work.

You can't compare an adult to children unless you are trying to say adult women are as equally unable to control themselves as your children.

To be fair, I don't have any problem with the dragging after the fact. Its not like you can just leave them in the elevator. The issue is the reason they needed to be dragged.

The fact that she changed her story helps him regardless of privilege.

It's fortunate for all the other women though.

Flowers and kids are nothing alike. If I buy flowers, the vendor doesn't give a shit if I dump them or set the on fire. Kids on the other hand, have proven a lot more sympathetic.