can we just go ahead and flag JuniperandSage out of this thread?
can we just go ahead and flag JuniperandSage out of this thread?
Are you trying to shame him in death? Because that was just a reminder of how fucking great he was.
Funny you mention that, because there is literally a comment in here calling him a Nazi/Nazi-enabler. It’s like they root for people with differing opinions to die, shits crazy in the Kotaku comments and it is infuriating.
RIP Totalbiscuit.
Wow. Hack writing at it’s finest.
We used to play Smash Brothers in our college dorm, and none of us had any grounding in Pokémon so we just made up names for the things that hatched out of the pokeball item. Some said their names intelligibly like Snorlax and Bulbasaur (sp?). Some... Not so much. To me, this Pokémon will forever be known as Floppy…