
Being an American is exotic, if you are anywhere outside a major metropolis and actually know two fucks about the place you are visiting, then you’re a unicorn phoenix of awesomeness.

+1 percenter


“Papa John you tongue so good...” Sung to Nationwide jingle.

Ted Cruz’ fatal flaw is that republicans will not elect someone they can’t imagine themselves having a beer with. That person can be a teetotaling recovering alcoholic. He just can’t be a raging asshole who looks like the ark of the covenant started melting his face and got bored halfway through.

Forget the money thing, there’s arguments on both sides. What is not up for discussion is FIFA forcing women to play on turf. They would never do that to men, IE: clearcut discrimination. Add to this that women are 2 to 8 times more likely than men to suffer serious knee damage, you’re playing Russian roulette with

I’m not surprised that Senator Clinton is dodging it. She dodged having more debates earlier. She dodged releasing her wall street speeches. She dodged questions about it. I get it though, Brooklyn is no longer the home of the Dodgers.

#ImWithHer - Lloyd Blankfein.

This a million times. Senator Clinton is Gay friendly Rubio. Just once I’d like to see Clinton superfans defend her on the merits of her record, not on the trope of sexism. The right hates her because of sexism. The left distrusts her because of her long, extensive right-leaning warhawk and wall-street voting record.

Jesus, anybody would bomb at Hull or Sunderland. Jimmy Bullard basically scared balls into the net. That’s the only way they scored.

Stan Kroenke is a Wal-Mart Heir by marriage. Considering he gets hundreds of millions of welfare dollars every quarter, he could give two fucks about you.

I never figured him to be one to crow about it, so Sioux me.

I grew up in Austin in the 80s. I can tell you this, the best way for Roger Clemens to make the hall of fame is in the ‘Complete Asshole’ rankings, which in lifetime stats has him only behind the great Ty Cobb.

You shoulda seen the headlines in the Welsh papers but they were too long to print.

This is a problem that is and will solve itself wen an entire generation grows up not being allowed to play football by their parents. Pop Warner is already decimated. High schools are closing the programs. This alone will force fundamental changes. Either that or a golden generation of Rugby.

I don’t get the biblical beef. The old testament is fiction. Noah could’ve been a bloated Aussie for all we know.

Sooooo, how long before Arsenal sign him?

That was a really long way to go to plug the Royals.

New York! It’s Tokyo with murderous cops!

New York! Come for the dystopian future, stay because you can’t get out!

Aaron Rogers. Like a good Vermonter he knows a lot about killing Bears. But jokes aside, his constant poking of Russell Wilson over his moronic God comments just strikes me as something a Bernie supporter would do.