
Okay, a couple of things. While there has been speculation about this subject, Michael Phelps himself has denied that he has Marfan Syndrome with test results supporting him on that. Additionally even if Phelps has the visible symptoms of the syndrome, it has been pointed that it is very unlikely that he could compete

She may not be asking for special treatment but it seems that the comment section is.

It’s almost certainly not helpful in sprinting, at least in competition, but WADA don’t try to specify which drugs are banned for which sports, because that’d basically be giving drug cheats a shopping list and encouragement to innovate [“Hey, Drug X is super dangerous and massively performance-enhancing... but we

Medical exemptions have always been a thing; the problem is, without a formal medical exemption system, you basically don’t have an anti-PED system, since everyone will just claim medical use.

It’s kind of silly, yes, but that’s an unavoidable part of PED regulation: there’s not actually a clear, bright line dividing what’s allowed from what isn’t. There often ends up being a distinction between what is and isn’t a reasonable, normal, culturally-expected thing to ingest.

It appears as though it is, though.

Around 2015 there was the holy trinity of queer baiting genre tv shows: Supernatural, Sherlock and Merlin and it was very Tumblr driven. All three were brimming with suggestive scenes, onscreen gags about two guys being into each other and some actors/creators basically admitting it was mostly intentional. Then, the

This is an interesting corner of fandom, because there’s a lot of legit takes to be had.

I don’t love the idea of eroticizing every single close male friendship (or male rivalry for that matter, as that’s probably even more common). Society would benefit from men in general being more free to express emotions that

Queerbaiting, as it’s known, is definitely a real thing, and though I never watched ‘Supernatural’ beyond season one, I understand it’s considered one of the prime offenders.

Headcanon is fucking stupid, particularly when fans use it as a reason or standard to which they judge art and then get disappointed for not living up to it.

I understand the desire for LGBT representation and I think there should be more of it in mainstream blockbuster. I would have no problem with Bucky being gay or bi if they want to go in that direction. However, I’ve seen movies from the Hays Code era that have had stronger hints that a character isn’t straight than

Marvel has so far refused to openly embrace that interpretation of its characters.”

Everything Sam & Bucky was great. All the “America will never accept a black Cap” stuff was bracingly good, touching on relatable real-world issues with a depth and impact rarely broached by the MCU. The bank scene, the cops pulling up when Sam and Bucky argue in the street, the down-home stuff with Sarah, all the Isai

I think the show is actually doing a pretty good job of examining Sam and why he ultimately is a worthy successor as Captain America, primarily by showing different versions of what Sam could be and why being like that would make him unworthy.

I wasn’t a huge fan of ScarJo’s Widow early on (she’s a super spy, not a super hero), but after Winter Soldier I was 100% ready for a solo movie with her. Her dealing with the fallout of WS and having to survive without SHIELD backup would have been a hell of a good movie.
Not giving us Black Widow’s solo movie much

It actively didn’t make sense to me that the MCU waited 11 years to release a female helmed movie. Not only was it confusing that Black Widow didn’t get a solo film (and got weirdly left out of the merch for The Avengers if I recall), but movie audiences were primed for big budget young adult content with female

I think Bucky constantly asking Ayo for favors ignores that she probably has almost no say in those favors being approved or not at all, what with her being a bodyguard to an absolute monarch that is inclined to grant favors to his hero buddies. The worst she could do is just refuse to pass along the request.


Steve did hang out with Tony, who did directly destroy an entire country with no repercussions in either the reality of the world or with his reality fan base. And let a child participate in superheroic combat abroad (a detail that is wholly gone from the MCU).

I think that Bucky clings to that period of music because it reminds him of when he was last truly himself. When Steve changed, he changed for the better, as it were. Bucky, however, was changed for the worse, into a killing machine for the enemy. And even though he’s no longer that, he’s still tortured by what was

There’s two things that I really want to see happen with the show right now that I’m like 99% sure will actually not end up happening.