
Whatever the friend wants to think or say is not the problem. The problem is the reporting of this stupid opinion.

It’s the idea that suicide is something you can DO to a person by breaking their heart.  Obviously external circumstances can influence a person’s mood, but by saying it was because of a broken heart implies that Bourdain was wronged and whoever wronged him is somehow responsible for his death.  Not only that, but as

You know what doesn’t help anything?  Saying that a man who died by suicide died “of a broken heart.”  That’s just irresponsible.

He was super sketchy in a lot of ways and did a lot of other power-play type crap on the date. Thankfully, a good friend of mine was at the concert we went to, and so I basically hung out with her the whole time, then drove him home and dropped his ass off at the curb. We worked together, but as luck would have it,

Ffs, have you been listening at all?  Disparate treatment is evidence of discrimination.  If a mall is kicking black people out for wearing hoodies and is not kicking white people out for wearing hoodies, it is illegally discriminating against black people.  It’s in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Of course it isn’t legal. Private companies with many lawyers discriminate all the time. I literally make my living help fight against this kind of thing.

You misunderstand. I mean they didn’t make evidence to be used in court on purpose. Clearly they went to the mall in hoodies to make a point on purpose.

I had the opposite thing when I was 19, went on a date with a guy who was 28 and wouldn’t tell me his age until we were halfway to our date. I was not okay with it, he thought it was funny.

That miniseries was my first introduction to the work and I remember being OBSESSED with it.

I wonder if this will be admitted as evidence to the court when the black shoppers sue the shit out of the mall. If I was their lawyer, I’d include it, because part of what you can use to prove discrimination is disparate treatment, it helps you if you can show a specific example or examples of someone getting better

You’re fine!  I’m pretty salty these days too, the fucking trolls have been atrocious lately.

Excellent point.

God, I’m so fucking sorry.  That’s awful.

If yesterday was Taco Tuesday and I woke up and texted my best friend “Hey! It’s Taco Tuesday! Let’s get lunch!” and then later, we go to the taco place and I order nachos, is it okay for my friend to physically force me to eat a taco because earlier in the day I said I wanted a taco?

I’m glad that you feel good about your choices but that doesn’t mean everyone feels the same way about it.  Of course they are having sex with these men, and they clearly don’t care.  My point is that if you’re going to do it, take as much as you can from these gross men.

Well, sure, I included hyperbole to make a point.

I wouldn’t do it myself, even if I was built for it, but I don’t fault someone who does.  Do I think it’s a foolproof way to lasting happiness?  No, but neither is anything else.  Who am I to judge?

I think that the idea they are selling is that all you need are the lips and low morals, but it isn’t exactly accurate.  You’d still need to know where to meet people who want a mistress, and know what kinds of things would ingratiate you to them.  Having friends in high places (or fucking people in high places)

Would I do it personally? Nah. I’m not built for that kind of thing, either physically or emotionally.  And obviously it isn’t without serious risks, as these ladies have shown.

I mean, know your audience of course. Keeping the fiction going is important, you don’t want the pathetic old fuck to know how pathetic you think he is.  It’s all sales, I figure.