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In 2017, I believe we call this sort of tone “presidential.”

But did they stand during our national anthem glorifying slavery? sure made an ask of itself here.

I don’t know much about soccer. Are goalies supposed to make no attempt at approaching a live ball sitting in front of their goal?

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

Yeah, save that shit for us white guys!

If we’re going to shit on anyone who has a change of heart on social issues and question their motives, can we just admit that we’re more concerned with performative righteous indignation than in making the world better?

Not so fast. As I understand it, the people he beat up were men.

Sorry your new President is a dicktatertot.

I heard Trump had an idea like this where he makes illegal immigrants sing the national anthem at a NASCAR race, then handcuffs and deports them all immediately after.

Soon we’ll all need Coyotes to lead us into Canada.

He’s already a charter member of The Teabagging Party.

What say you, cheerleaders?

Because you’re an asshole.

it’d be nice if anyone actually gave a shit though.

You’d think as Trump supporters that Brady and Belichick would respect that.

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

I haven’t seen a pissing contest involving somebody with a prosthetic leg this hotly contested since Paul McCartney’s divorce.

This is the biggest Lynn-Manuel drama since Pence saw Hamilton.