
haha, that was about 25 years ago...

having 8 girls in backseat wasn’t smartest thing...”  What’s wrong with that?!?

Drove a couple months without license when I got my first car... I know, I’m going to hell...

I had to teach someone how to use a washing machine...

Neutral: If somebody solves charging for city streets I’d buy immediately...

There’s an essay by Asimov (The Tragedy of the Moon), where he explains how religions came from looking at the moon and the stars. He writes about how the moon influenced all religions to think they are the bestest religion of all and that you deserve to die very painfully if you don’t agree. He says that if we hadn’t


You’re talking about T?

I know there’s a pandemic, but why don’t people take their masks out for a second when taking a photo (if there’s nobody near)?!?

Simca/matra Murena or Baghera?!?

Found something more about the race:

He (or was it his father?) went to El Salvador for the opening race at Autódromo El Jabalí in 1979. His was one of two Porsche 935s at the event, the other was from Ludwig Heimrath Sr. I just noticed that both were racing father/son families...

That would be to the Aston Martin...

Adding to the side note (to Mercedes Streeter), have you seen powered paragliders? That looks a great way to go flying (less expensive, no license required) I’ve been watching Tucker Gott on youtube. Sadly, don’t have the space, but damn, I’m tempted...

I think I saw a Bede in Guatemala, of all places... My mind is fuzzy now, but I think it was in a gas station and the owner had a bunch of Nash Metropolitans... Never saw it again, but the Nashs’ remained...

It amazes me that Americans are probably the only ones that are proud of their stupidity... I’ve seen stupid in other places, but not as a national sport...

haha, merry xmas!!!

Anybody who travels right now is a selfish fucking monster who cares for nobody but themselves.

Round 1 at 6:35