
First, solve the problem of having to refresh the page to get the comments to show up. 

I really don’t get the whole numbers matching fetish. Buy the already done motor and call it a day. Unless you win the lottery that thing will never be nice enough for it to matter. Keep the old boat anchor for someday (in case you DO win the lottery).

You’re an ICU nurse? Today, the question isn’t what car you should buy, it’s what car we should buy for you.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo Buell dude.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. Do you really believe that?

David Tracy was conceived in the back of a SnapOn tool truck parked in a junk yard. He was born on the Jeep assembly line.

This is actually true.

The Postal Jeep project was more work than all 10 of these vehicles combined, but I took care of that because I became obsessed. When I have one singular focus, I’m unstoppable. Ten? Ehhhh, I’ll get around to them eventually.

I would want one, but I could see it annoying the hell out of my wife.

I was really excited about them until the price came out. But, here is what I would put on top (Yeah, I’m a closeted mullet fan).

My choice.

This is the future gearheads want.

The true miracle is that a 1970s Subaru hasn’t been reduced to iron oxide powder. My aunt and uncle were fans of the brand: their cars ran well but quickly started to experience undesirable weight loss.

Who pulls into a burger joint, circles the parking lot and exits without buying anything? This seems like the acts of a very lonely man looking for validation.. or something darker.

My grandpa was the original owner of this 67, my dad is the third/current owner and just finished the full restoration. If I behave for the next few decades, I might be the fourth owner someday...

Conversely, I’ve been in the corporate world long enough to 100% believe it.

This is the only correct reply to this new rule. My wife works in the Disability industry, her company specifically sells products for people with low vision and blindness. Blind People with trained Seeing Eye dogs are hampered by people with fake service animals creating a bad image. People with disabilities have it

I’m partially on board, except that the knobs should be buttons on a touchscreen, preferably buried behind a sub-menu, which makes muscle memory useless and requires you to take your eyes off the road to change settings.

I think that’s the most hilarious implication here. Lincoln thinks Aviator drivers.... park outside??

How about some sort of system that takes heat generated by the engine and pumps it into the cabin via some ducts under the dashboard?  The system could be controlled by a few knobs placed in the center console area and perhaps for convenience a method of mixing the air with cooler external or air conditioned air would

I got a free voltage tester with the last crane I bought from Harbor Freight. Both are still working great.