
You’re showing your ignorance. Chasing Amy was far from Affleck’s first role, and he was already getting parts that provided better accommodations. Chasing Amy is noteworthy because it had the least accommodations for his entire career. He took the part because Smith was his friend and it was good role, not because it

the reality of working as an actor is rarely as glamorous as one might imagine.”-

They all presumably drive in LA, which is some of the most horrific conditions around. They also paid for their rental cars (and presumably the related insurance). If you drive in your personal life (which Henson does), it seems like an odd line in the sand to make and minimally, she isn’t framing it in a way where

Really awesome movie for most of its running time, before taking a hard turn into literally preaching to us that abuse victims will go to Hell if they don’t forgive their abusers. Maybe that’s in the original book, I haven’t read it, but you’d think anyone doing an adaptation these days would be smart enough to take

Can someone explain the driving thing to me?

[Ugh crashes car while masturbating.]

The cast of Empire’s batting average in making accusations of racism is not great.

I think the data we have challenges your argument, at least when it comes to this movie.

I think there are a few misleading things here:

Maybe in some places overseas but I’m not sure the Chinese market has a huge appreciation for black films.  And ‘the overseas market’ is absolutely dominated by China these days.

What do you mean? Her film had a smaller budget and a smaller return, therefore it’s racism. Obviously. 

A $90 million budget, with a $40 million for marketing, is a huge amount of money to spend on a musical The Color Purple remake that does not have Spielberg behind the camera or someone like Oprah in front of it. Barbie’s not a meaningful comparison here. It’s also puzzling how the author says that the movie has done “

“I’m not the person that pulls the race card every time, but what else is it, then? Tell me. I’d rather it not be race, please give me something else.”

Damn! That’s perfect!

Except that I doubt the typical Incel has the income needed to buy one.

Except that I doubt the typical Incel has the income needed to buy one. 

Oh yea, I think they could. But that would be pandemonium. I honestly can’t believe Tesla hasn’t pulled off a bidding for reservation number stunt yet.

I saw the Cybertruck referred to as the IncEl Camino and that’s how I will forever think of it. 

I wonder if they could get away with allowing people to pay to jump the queue, or move up in the queue. They could probably squeeze another couple thousand each out of the pre-order people that way.

Tesla fans aren’t going to be frustrated, they are going to lap this up. “OMG, look how great and generous Elmo is!” While ignoring the ulterior motive of keeping peoples interest free loans for as long as possible AND selling them another car at the same time.