Moby Dork

OMG, I see the same cars following me on the interstate too, every day on my way to and from work. Am I going to be killed by Big Pharma too?

I always thought it was caused by a botched tummy tuck, but I could be wrong.

I don’t think so, personally.  The last time someone said “walk away” to me, I jumped down their throat with both feet. For some reason, I find that extremely offensive, so I react without even thinking. Perhaps Tamra has the same reaction to it?

I bet “John Barron” made the call.

I’m not on a reality show, but I would have shown her the meaning of crazy.

I believe Hillary does indeed have special needs. She has a special need for asshats like this to shut the fuck up about her. She has a special need to rid us all of Cheeto Jesus. She has a special need to be viewed for her accomplishments - Harvard Law, Secretary of State, the list goes on - and not solely for her

“The same quality of upbringing” does not equal 1/6 of the estate, since her siblings didn’t get 1/6 of the estate while children.

Someone should punch her in the face for having a name like Emirjeta Xhelili.

I read today many Trump supporters claiming she is on her deathbed, as if that was an established fact.

This alone should prove, beyond any doubt, that he is grossly unqualified to be President (and Commander In Chief). The fact that he didn’t even mention concern for those affected by the attack... well, it speaks volumes.

Sorry to be so late in responding; for whatever reason, the site only today showed there was a response.

Okay, I’m going to have to play Devil’s Advocate with this one...

What is your opinion on this law, given that you regularly see and treat these ODs?

I suspect Dr Drew has brain damage, because he claimed - without even one iota of proof - that Hillary Clinton has brain damage.

Crackerjacks saying she retained the title was absolutely hilarious, since he was never a real Count in the first damn place.

You’re far more patient than I am, because I bullshit immediately when people at work fall for snake oil products.

Trump wants to put up the wall because he’s a mind-numbingly stupid man who thinks Mexican immigrants are all rapists and murderers.

I read “verbal contact” and thought, ugh.

I used to live in Florida, and dreaded tourist season though I lived in outlying suburbs. The many asshole tourists, with their ridiculously entitled behavior, make living there a nightmare for Florida residents who like to enjoy actually living in Florida.

ProTip: Ulta regularly has BOGO sales on drugstore brands.

ProTip: Ulta regularly has BOGO sales on drugstore brands.