
But wouldn't the Spider-Man musical make more sense with Cure music? They even have a song about a "spider man" but… he eats people or something I guess! … OK never mind.

Ice Cube never should have fucked the waitress.

It's a piss in the bucket, dude. Your taxes are going to pork barrel spending and the military (and not "paying salaries of servicemen" or "the VA" but "build more bombs and bombers"). As for that $15 million, if the corporations and billionaires had to pay their fair share of taxes you wouldn't be on the hook for so

BTW, I too am a small business owner and I absolutely hate how taxed up the ass we are. But I know where my taxes are going and why they're so high. I know it has nothing to do with social welfare. Just do a little bit of research and learn something.

I was hoping everyone on here was smart enough to know I was speaking metaphorically, but I guess I should have said so because it's easy enough to make that assumption.

No I don't mean liberals and again, you're a dumbass for thinking it. WE AS SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES SO THE CORPORATIONS CAN GO TAX FREE! That isn't a liberal agenda. Your taxes are subsidizing big business. WAKE THE FUCK UP ALREADY, get your head out of your ass and figure it the fuck out. As far

I don't listen to music as an alarm clock, but when I'm ready to actually start the day (when I'm getting my store ready to open) I like to blast Biggie's "Gimme The Loot" as loud as I can. Then I'm ready for another day of retail hell!

Terroristic threats! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Trump and people like him have been fucking you in the ass your entire life. They fucked your parents and your grandparents. And you take it and you fucking love it. You scream "daddy Trump, fuck me harder!!!" As this country continues to turn into a third world country, you continue to take it up the ass from your

I don't know any liberals who believe that capitalism can be humane. The point of social programs is that capitalism is inherently inhumane.

Sounds like a bunch of alternative facts. The best kind!

Wow you really told me! Your logical reasoning is flawless. I must now admit defeat!

Regardless of whatever changes might come to libel laws, the only thing you could sue me over would be suggesting that you're an idiot. And frankly, if you did sue me for that, I would have nothing to fear. I could simply present this conversation as evidence.

Your idea of free speech is to rob other people of free speech. Making death and rape threats isn't a form of free speech, it's a means to silence voices. FUCK YOU for trying to suggest otherwise. YOU can enjoy the next four years. I guarantee you things will only get MORE repressive, MORE restrictive and there will

Sure dude. Keep believing that.

That's the most idiotic and shallow reading of that comic possible. Granted, the comic in question is a bit shallow but if your only critique is to say "strawman" over and over, you might just be trying to defend your own stupid reading without knowing what you're talking about. But sure, let's just keep pretending

First season is the best season dammit! They weren't a tired ass sitcom in the first season, trying to shove subplots into a well-worn situation (oooh gotta save the bar for the billionth time!); the show actually had some ideas that weren't "how can we subvert sitcom situation?" but were actually not something any

My main problem with it is that it's a molten hot mess. Cream cheese just works better by not getting incredibly scaldingly hot and not oozing everywhere if you bite the popper in half.

I'm really not a fan but I'll eat it if I'm forced to eat at Jack (since I'm a vegetarian and there's not a lot of options). My main problem with it is that, unlike cream cheese, nacho cheese is a sloppy steaming hot mess that usually just burns the taste buds right off.

I'm also currently looking for someone to cuddle with. Why is it so hard?! LOL