
Don't they completely fuck up the poppers by having nacho/American cheese inside instead of cream cheese the way God intended?

I have no idea what "defatted soy grits" are but they sound delicious!

Can't be any stranger than Tori Amos covering "Raining Blood."

I've found that there actually are good-tasting healthier alternatives. The problem is it's always a crapshoot with a new product and they tend to be more expensive than the cheap bad-for-you stuff.

I don't get a Monster Hunter vibe from this at all. That would be Final Fantasy Explorers. Also not getting a GTA vibe at all. I do think that after they got criticized for the "corridor simulator" aspect of FFXIII, they decided to go in the opposite direction. I wasn't one of the people who complained about that

I've been playing FFXV all week. Sucks that this is pop culture weekend b/c I only get to spend time with my son on the weekend and we generally don't consume much pop culture (that's changing as the weather is getting colder so we can't go out to the park or go hiking).

Trying to read thru comments but I have nothing funny to say about this shit. I sincerely wish nothing but the worst for Trump, his supporters and the pieces of human trash who would make up this kind of story and publish it. Dying choking face down in a pool of their own blood and someone else's piss would be too

It's only pointless in an election where there weren't millions of "provisional ballots" given out to people who were illegally taken off the voter registration rolls. Provisional ballots are just another word for toilet paper for how much they are actually counted so a recount could, hopefully, take a closer look and

Trump doesn't deserve any chances. He had a chance to not be a complete and utter shitlicking asshole when he was running for president. Instead he mocked a reporter's disabilities, made fun of POWs, suggested committing war crimes against the families of suspected terrorists… I think that was all in like one month.

Pennsylvania uses CrossCheck. It removes names from the voter registration rolls if it thinks they are duplicates or trying to vote in two states at once. But it gives incredibly inaccurate results, so that people with names like Jose Garcia or Lee Kim are supposed to be voting in 27 states!

I would also suggest calling the FEC and filing a complaint about the widespread use of CrossCheck and how millions of eligible voters were illegally taken off the voter registration rolls because of it.


… Jill Stein? (And hope she doesn't go on an anti-vax campaign.) I seriously have more respect for the people who stood in line to cast a vote for Harambe than I do for those who voted for Trump.

Yes. SCOTUS gutted Voting Rights Act just in time for this election. Many states have adopted using "Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program" in recent years and it's an easily manipulated piece of garbage software.

Except that this, like the Hamilton thing and like the SNL thing, are all meant as distractions. They exist in order to keep you going "can't believe the thin skin" and shake your head. Trump has been doing that his whole campaign so that the important issues never get addressed. The GOP disenfranchised millions of

Except that Trump made it explicitly clear, and the Klan and Daily Stormer endorsing him only made it even more apparent, that he was going to engage in race-based politics and actively court the alt-right white "nationalists." So if you voted for him, you are either a racist or you're ok with racists so long as they

A significant portion of the eligible voters who show as not having cast a vote actually did cast one. The system in place to purge dead people and people who moved from voter registration rolls was used to disenfranchise millions of eligible voters.

He's definitely a career politician, unlike Trump. Mike Pence attending a Broadway show is like David Duke chilling at the Apollo. He had to have had some idea that someone would say something, and even if he didn't, he knows that you only come off looking like a giant baby if you complain about something like this.