
I'll put it in the language of a spoiled five year old who needs a nap, ie, in a way that even Trump can understand: He who smelt it, dealt it.

He only "won" by disenfranchising millions of voters in key battleground states. Whenever exit polls show one person winning but then that person doesn't win, in every other country on the planet it's considered an indication of election fraud. There have been several articles about the election fraud that the GOP

Pence is the competent asshole to Trump's incompetent asshole. I'd rather not have the fascist dictator who actually CAN do the things he keeps threatening to do, thank you very much.

He's not president now, not for another couple months. He's also not "our" president as his GOP cronies rigged the election in key states, disenfranchising millions of voters, all while not being able to win the popular vote. Even through cheating they couldn't give him that. Trump's going to find out, tho, that

Again, you are ignoring the larger point to make a lot of noise about nothing. I don't know what your values are but you've already said "liberals and leftists and Democrats" don't share your values. I really don't care on iota what your values are so long as you don't push them on other people. My larger point, which

No Life/Kill Em All is a very different sounding Metallica than Lightning/Puppets/Justice, which is a different sounding Metallica than what their later albums sound like. So I can certainly see this and I've even said it myself at times. I prefer the shorter, thrashier, more NWOBHM Metallica even to the "classics" of

When you have millions of ballots thrown out in an election immediately after the SCOTUS dismantled the Voting Rights Act, you basically have voter fraud. The GOP used a system called "CrossCheck" to purge the voter rolls of minorities. Over a million legitimate voters had their votes tossed out because a software

It has nothing to do with religion. Religion is just the excuse.

So far there's just a lot of talk, but several newspapers and magazines including Rolling Stone have published articles on the different tactics the GOP used to suppress votes (because they used several different ones). I think at this point there's just a lot of making noise in the hopes the right people hear it. You

Do you want people to defend your values while promising to put you in an internment camp or do you want someone to protect YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS AS A HUMAN BEING?! You really have to be messed up to not get it. We don't support your "values" b/c they're fucked up and wrong, but we support you to not be attacked b/c

What would you consider a legitimate source? Because I have several other sources for this and similar stories about the election fraud being committed by the Republican Party and I'll be happy to post them as well.

Voter fraud isn't simply "a vote was cast for candidate x but it was counted towards candidate y" or "a dead person voted." It can also be "I voted legitimately, but my vote was thrown in the trash for no good reason" or "I could have voted but I was physically blocked from doing so, or had to meet unreasonable

What we should be hoping for is an investigation into voter fraud. There's a reason Trump brought it up so often during his campaign. As the old saying goes, "he who smelt it dealt it."

Trump's platform says otherwise. The Republican Party Platform of the 2016 election specifically calls out "activist decisions" of the Supreme Court such as "Roe, Obergefell and the Obamacare cases," and state they will appoint Republicans judges to the Supreme Court to overturn these decisions. So Trump in fact won't

The thing I only recently realized listening to this album is how backloaded it really is. Sure, the songs on the first side are good, but man… that block of songs from No Sleep on til the end of the record are just gold. I never noticed bc as a kid I had this on tape and always listened to the second side first

Uh, there are three samples on that song: When the Levee Breaks, Sweet Leaf and I Fought The Law (Clash version).

Rakim pioneered the use of multisyllabic and internal rhymes which became the basis for most rap lyrics until recently (as shitstains like Drake have taken over). Most rap lyrics up to that point were very much in the Beasties/Run DMC vein (there's even a song on License that was originally written by DMC, "Slow and

Also crying b/c someone said something mean to you on Facebook isn't nearly the same as vowing to overturn the legality of gay marriages, or any number of other horrible things Trump and the Republican Party have promised to do.

Can non-whites be racist? Ask your Asian friends how they feel about "blacks" and find out for yourself!