
Have you tried? There is no talking to let alone debating people who do not live in reality; who believe things that are patently false. It's Plato's Cave and no amount of persuasion, cajoling or anything else is going to drag them out into the light.

All the tax breaks in the world won't matter if foreign goods are heavily tariffed unless they are partially manufactured in the U.S. I don't see a world where other nations could "pick up the slack" if America stopped being a market for foreign goods. So companies would either pay the heavy tariffs and export goods

Opinions are worthless without facts to back them up. So… has congress hindered Obama's plans or simply rolled over? The fact that we don't have a new Justice to the SCOTUS is just the latest example, but here's some others:

Well those clowns in congress are certainly at it again. They're such a bunch of clowns.

What's ridiculous to me is the statement that the Daily Show is a comedy show meant to elicit laughs first and foremost and that that's the most important thing and no one cares about facts as much as laughter. Yes, it's a comedy show, but no one is going to be laughing if you veer off into hack comedian territory and

Trump's "charitable" organization, on the other hand…

I think the country will still be here in four years, God willing, and hopefully in that span of time the third parties can get their shit together and run someone worth voting for. I think many of us are just sick to death of a two party system that favors the rich and already powerful and consistently throws up

If you're voting for Trump b/c you think he's going to bring jobs back to anyone, yes, you are a special kind of stupid. He hires ILLEGAL ALIENS to build his towers to Mammon. Everything with his or Ivanka's name on it is made in either China or Indonesia. His record of employing Americans is shit, so why would it be

Opinions are one thing, but they must stem from verifiable facts or they are worthless. The problem isn't with opinions, it's with opinions that aren't based on facts. If you say we don't need plants to make oxygen bc oxygen is a liberal lie, you aren't just stating an opinion, you're trying to overwrite reality. If

That's my Robert… always peeing on people!

I'm very offended by what you said about my coat. I made it outta your mother's pubic hair.

I don't like people playin' on my phone!

Are you going to call a photo a liar? Bush didn't say "Mission Accomplished," the banner behind him said that. His speech definitely suggested that the war was all but over, but he never said "mission accomplished." Don't know who is saying that besides you.

And a cup of some stairways piss.

Huh, I feel the exact opposite way. I thought A Serbian Film was far more effective for being allegorical than Saw or Hostel, films that aren't trying to have a larger meaning. I didn't really like Martyrs all that much, but not b/c of the deeper meaning. I just didn't feel like it hung together that well as a film.

One and a half of those hours are the first Hellraiser film.

And that's been my problem with modern horror. CGI is just not at the point where it can supplant practical effects for things like monsters. They just never look real, always closer to a cartoon. The fakest stop-motion animation looks realer than the best CGI when it comes to creatures. There's just something about

Not scary and barely interesting. Scream is certainly a horror film, just a self-aware one. Evil Dead 2 is a bit tougher to classify but at least there are bits where you can go "yeah they're trying to be creepy here." Nothing in Cabin suggested that to me. It would be like calling his other "horror" film a horror

This, sooo much this! I wish people would stop talking about The Cabin in the Woods as being a horror film! It isn't, nor does it even try to be. There is literally not a single frame of that film that attempts to frighten. Any time anything frightening threatens to happen, the film cuts back to the underground bunker.

My picks: