
The first half is great but it becomes too obvious and boring once the actual story gets going.

Was just about to post that too! If you're looking for the influence for Resident Evil, it's that Capcom RPG from 89 where a group of researchers explore a haunted house.…

Yeah, same here. I have a hard time believing that the Groovy Goulies could be improved upon with better animation. I think being kinda crappy is the whole charm.

The only agenda the AVC has is to provide coverage of pop culture, mainly in the realm of music, film and television. There isn't an anti-Christian agenda here. The problem really does lie in the entertainment itself. When the AVC pans the new Medea film, it doesn't do so because it has a racist agenda. It's b/c the

You are absolutely wrong about the AV Club. When a well-made Christian film comes along, it will absolutely receive the review it deserves. Unfortunately, these days Christian movies are like Medea films. They have a built-in, under-served audience who will watch them regardless of quality. Wanting to see a film that

… There's no way Dan Brown has an editor.

When did you watch The Birth of a Nation or Triumph of the Will? Yet we can discuss the agenda of both films… Funny how film criticism works, isn't it? The fact is, I trust that the AVClub isn't making up things in order to pan this film, and the so-called "faith based" entertainments I have seen have all been fairly

Birth of a Nation or Triumph of Will both have agendas. The problem is in fact the agenda of the film, beyond whether the film is well-made or not. Frankly, the agenda of this film is repulsive. The idea that this is a Christian agenda is insane and disgusting. I have no problem with a film that has a Christian

You're overthinking it. I meant I pronounced it ch-ord instead of k-ord.

I didn't even think it might be musically related and was saying Chord as tho it rhymed with choad.

We already use terms like "accidental racism" for that. And yeah, if any Trump supporters actually cared whether Trump was racist or not, the fact that he's been successfully sued twice for discriminatory housing practices should have been enough of a clue.

If you have rich parents that went to an Ivy League school and they donated so much money there's now a library named after them, it doesn't matter how stupid and lazy their kid is. Legacy is what so many right-wingers used to claim affirmative action was: giving less qualified people a leg-up while stealing the place

Ah but you're missing the best part of this exchange.

Trump is making money off his presidential bid. It might also be a publicity stunt, but he's found a way to milk and rip-off the system, same as always with him. He's a born grifter.…

Spence thinks we'll all be destroyed by watching Mulan so… potatoe potahtoe.

Dr. Cox's Place?

Don't wanna disrespect what might be a talented underground rapper, but I'll never know if he's talented or not trying to listen to this songs. You can be incredibly lyrical but that Casio keyboard music ruins it. Who made the music and do they know how to play an instrument? Cuz their playing is hot garbage. Sorry if

John Landis should direct Donald Trump towards a collapsing helicopter.

Have you seen the slow jerk skit from Whitest Kids You Know? Because if anyone said what Trump said on that tape, they would be looked at like slow jerk guy. It's creepy and disgusting. It's like bragging about masturbating on the bus. NO ONE BRAGS ABOUT THAT KIND OF SHIT, certainly not to random strangers as "locker

He says that this is what he does. Not what he'd like to do, not hyperbole. He says "grab 'em by the pussy, that's what you do." He says this immediately after saying how he can't stop himself from kissing a beautiful woman, just going up and kissing her out of nowhere. There IS NO context where these things are not a