
There are lots of issues that men face that need to be addressed and MRAs don't do jack shit about any of it. Just a bunch of whiny babies who want to act like assholes and expect that women are gonna want to suck their dicks afterwards. That's pretty much ALL it boils down to. Fucking pathetic.

Pretty much everyone who wants someone to dominate them only wants that person to "force" them to do the things they already want to do. The real problem is, you were with someone who couldn't articulate well enough exactly what it was they wanted done, beforehand. You can set up a scenario, find a good safe word, and

Lesser of two evils? No. But Hillary Clinton isn't most people's first choice. She would have either lost this election or barely scrapped by if the Republicans had a single non-shitty person to run. But if it wasn't Trump it would have been the Zodiac Killer or Dr. Giggles. … I don't remember where I was going with

I've also told male Trump supporters that they were being cucked by him, an "insult" that only offends shitbags. I hate the word, but it sure does piss off the right people.

I'm not making a mistake. Republicans, particularly racist Republicans, absolutely hate being called racists. I already know I'm not going to penetrate their thick skulls with logic, so it just feels good to call them what they are. And if they try to turn it around like you did and tell me how it's not really racist,

What about POWs?

He IS being racist, just also inaccurate. Do you think a racist knows or cares that there are white Muslims or that Mexican isn't a race? It's just convenient so they can have their enablers explain "it's not racist because…" all the while putting policies in place based on their ignorant interpretations of race. To a

The ridiculous part of it all is that cops are placing themselves in harms way by acting like John Rambo. If you sincerely care and realize that the people you are interacting with daily are people you are supposed to be helping, regardless of what laws they're breaking, then you'll have earned the respect and trust

This is all very valid elsewhere but it seems you guys aren't familiar with the AV Club comments section, and thus don't seem to understand that you've walked into an oasis in the desert and started urinating on it. If this comment section was similar in tone to, say, Youtube's, then you might have a good reason for

Girl asleep in a coma I know… some girls are bigger than others… and some make graves…

There's a very distinct "cunt" in "Rehumanize Yourself." I've heard "bullshit" in "Money" censored and I think there's a clean version of "Who Are You," but I've yet to hear any version of "Rehumanize Yourself" without the "cunt" in there.

That's still a problem if you're talking about user satisfaction. If you get rid of a thousand movies that equal around two thousand hours of content in favor of five TV shows that lasted a billion seasons and have trillions of hours of content, but the TV shows are America's Funniest Home Videos/Animal Attacks/Car

They have Nightmare on Elm Street 2 but none of the others!

It would be so much better, and I might actually check out stuff I normally wouldn't, if instead of it being all one lump of this or that it was a little bit of everything. I mean, even the stuff I love watching I don't want to watch nothing but that one thing. Korean dramas, for instance. I have to be in a certain

Sure dude.

YOUR FUCKING USERNAME YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER!!! What part of ALL the replies about your name do you NOT GET?! I'm sorry, I should say, how can you nazi the problem?

And Trump is different, right?! He's going to help the poor and the working class! He loves all brown people! He shits rainbows!!!

Trump uses charitable donations to buy himself shit and make his scandals go away. He has been found guilty, twice, of discriminating against minorities. He raped an ex-wife. He routinely encourages people at his rallies to beat up people he doesn't like. He doesn't know jack squat about politics to the point of not

Donald Trump is a rapist. Even if Bill Clinton actually WAS a rapist, this election doesn't feature Bill Clinton. So you can vote for the wife of a rapist or an actual rapist.

As a liberal, I'd like to see Putin sucking on the barrel of a gun. He can get on his knees and fellate a bullet or two.