
He was on Satan's spinach when he wrote that.

Oh mine is practically soiled with them! Very very heavy.

If I'm not mistaken, the Presbyterian church voted in approval of gay marriage, and UPC has stated that they will perform same-sex marriages, so I'm not sure if this is just new thinking within the church or your mother-in-law just held views outside of the church's.

Ever been to UPC? Sounds a bit like the church you go to, except Presbyterian and usually packed. A bit less emphasis on social justice, maybe, but that's still part of it.

Everyone is free to jump on me if this is bad advice but if it was me (and I've been in similar-ish situations) I'd just not contact her at all. If you're always calling and texting and emailing and she isn't giving back at all, then she either wants to end it and doesn't know how, or she just doesn't realize that

Or only in the abstract. I'm pretty flat back there and wish I wasn't but I've never looked at a dude's ass and thought "wish I was rocking that!" Arm muscles, sometimes. Flat stomach, usually. But ass? Nope, never.

If she's cute, I might feel flattered. It's like getting stared at in a lustful manner. Women get it 24/7 and hate it. Speaking for myself, I can't imagine how awesome that would be, but I daydream about it often enough. I've found myself wishing I was gay b/c all the gay guys I've ever known seem to have lots of sex

Same here. I've wanted to have other stories to tell, but I just never had a hook-up. Not spending a lot of time in bars/nightclubs probably accounts for a lot of that, but even in high school, I had a few GFs and that was it.

Has nothing to do with Kesha or Dr Luke and all about the way you talk about rape. You really don't get it and really don't have any amount of empathy whatsoever, and I wish you did. It's as simple as that. But since you lack empathy for other people, the only way to change your feelings on the subject would be if you

Some people definitely should kill themselves already. They take up all the resources like our clean water and air, they take up space, they provide nothing, they spew nonsense and deflect from actual issues, diverting attention to made up bullshit, all while driving the rest of us batshit insane.

It's bad that there's a small part of me that hopes you get raped so you can enjoy all the people telling you that you made that shit up and that you probably brought it on yourself anyway b/c of what you were wearing, what and how much you were drinking, or any other stupid bullshit.

That list wasn't meant to be "better" anime than Akira, just to give a little context as to what else was going on in the world of anime films at the time. I only really brought up Wicked City because I think the artwork is on par with Akira. But that's just my memory. I haven't seen either film in a good ten years.

I didn't realize they came out the same year. I based my list off of a couple very short Wikipedia lists since I can barely remember what I had for breakfast the next day, let alone what year I watched which anime. I don't think I saw either one back in the day, either.

I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I love the manga and don't really care for the movie. Maybe if I'd seen Akira when it first came out in the U.S., I'd have a better opinion of it, but even so, by that point, I was already familiar with other anime and compared to what was out at the time, I wouldn't rank the

Movies have started to incorporate animatronics/puppetry and practical effects again, just usually along with CGI. Hitchhiker's Guide the movie kinda made a big deal about it at the time, but it's been cropping up more and more. Really do wish it was the norm, tho, b/c CGI for monsters/creatures just doesn't work. The

Thought she was terrific in Idle Hands as well. Beyond that, tho…

There is nothing being "made up" about Donald Trump. It isn't necessary. The fact is your post doesn't include a single example of what you're accusing. Because there aren't any. I'm more than willing to admit when I'm wrong, so feel free try to find an example.

"Christians" have murdered doctors who perform abortions. We don't blame Christianity for this. Hell, they aren't even called terrorists! If you can't understand how religious freedom might permit toxic ideas but not toxic actions, you're probably living in the same bizarro upside-down world that the people who use

He was great in The Lady Killers.