
"Lights out! Gorilla radio! Ooooga Ooga!"

Hey now, if the incredibly immature and thoroughly disgusting dick pic tweet Trump made and then almost immediately deleted is anything to go by, his orange dick is of at least average size! It's… tough to really judge given how short and stubby his fingers are so it could just be an optical illusion.

More like a JIZZ age party! harharhar!!!

No one thinks the kids are more Stand By Me than It? Just me?

Or Zipper Ninja from Ghastly's Ghastly Comic? … Too on-the-nose?

Playing it feels like the game isn't even done yet, and the dev team is already talking up what's going to be in the DLC. Besides that, there was just no way they could have delivered on the game they've been promising. NMS wouldn't be quite so anticlimatic of a game if the devs hadn't Molineauxed it to death before

Plenty of RPGs and especially CRPGs have that inventory system. Diablo springs to mind.

Thank you! I had high hopes, after how awful season 2 was but then season 3 was so much better, that the show would get back on track. Instead, they spent an inordinate amount of time with The Gov and all that shite and the show just never recovered. When it's good it's DAMN GOOD and that's, I think, why people still

People are paid to stalk celebrities. Say what you will about that, but it's protected by freedom of the press. It's not dealing in stolen goods to have an inside source and report on what that source has to say, even if you have to pay the inside source. This is one of the most basic freedoms we as Americans enjoy.

You can sue the spies, you can sue the person breaching the confidentiality agreement. The person or people you CAN'T sue is the fucking reporter. This isn't a copyright issue, it's a first amendment issue.

Does the woman in "Blurred Lines" really, in fact, "want it"? We may never know…

According to the FBI, rapping about committing burglaries is the same as actually committing them, which is why Mac Dre spent time in prison for "conspiracy." So I guess all you need to do to have lived something is to sing about it.

They at least had a sense of humor about themselves, which is more than can be said for Three Doors Down and their ilk. They named the follow-up to their big hit record "14:59" after all. Could blame them for the trend of hard rock bands going soft but I'd guess that could be traced back to the Goo Goo Dolls or, even

Always liked that song.

Why not Zoidberg?

"I looked like a fool last night!" and "And if you don't like it, well, then you'll just have to fight me!" get used a lot by me and my friends.

Both of these list articles are pure shite, not least of all b/c they never bother spelling out the criteria for being considered a "best" comedy (only to say it has nothing to do with how funny a movie is - um wtf? that must be why so many of the movies on BOTH lists aren't funny at all).

Gary Coleman is going to play Stephen King? Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Skipskatte?!

It's funny b/c I had the exact opposite reaction to Cell as pretty much everyone else here: I felt like the novel was a return to form of sorts for him. Most of his novels were bloated, draggy, and downright boring. I didn't even read a lot of the books that came out around this time b/c I was sick of King and his