
Beyond a single song, they don't rap.I'd suggest listening to Midlife Crisis, Jizzlobber, Be Aggressive, Digging the Grave, Evidence, The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, Zombie Eaters, Underwater Love, and R.V. Or just listen to Angel Dust as it really is their masterpiece. I'm just not much of a fan of the song Land of

This is the AV Club. Just about everything they do is done secretly and you only ever find out b/c a disgruntled employee slips it into an unrelated article. It's the only good thing about the lack of a copy editor.

Biggest WTF moment regarding finding out who produced a song was when I learned Geza X worked on Meredith Brooke's "Bitch."

Having a sense of danger is great. There should be some of that in an adventure story of any kind. But dead girlfriend in a fridge, rape as stakes-raising, "I'm the goddamn Batman" is what I can do without.

To each their own of course. I just find a lot of the grim brooding storylines to be just as ridiculous if not moreso as the silly "camp" era storylines. And I kinda feel like comics have always been "not very good" with a few standing out b/c they're so well-written and illustrated. I'm also not really saying that

I was surprised Battletoads weren't mentioned. Sure, they only changed the last two words (Ninja Turtles to Battle Toads), but they were also such a blatant rip-off and yet also beloved!

At least this era recognizes how ridiculous the very premise of a dude in his underwear running around fighting crime actually is. Otherwise, Batman is just some guy in desperate need of a long stay in a mental health facility.

I was always falling for my friends, and then we'd usually try to keep being friends after I asked them out and got rejected. Worked out ok some times, but usually not. There's no walking that back. But I definitely spent an awful lot of time pining for women who just wanted to hang out with me all the time but not

It's so frustrating when the person you're asking out can't just be straight with you. The best is when she starts treating you like shit so you won't like her any more. Yay! That's always better than honesty! -_-

He might not be influential, but he's saying the same things many old-school Republicans are: we don't like Trump and we're not voting for him. I'd argue that Trump shouldn't have been the Republican nominee b/c the party itself doesn't support him. He's actually antithetical to so many of the things the Republican

I've only seen Trump supporters bring up that kind of shit. The same people who claim she's seconds away from spending the rest of her life in prison. They also think she wants to "continue Obummer's Muslim jihad."

Except that the reality is that illegal immigration isn't a financial burden the way it's made out to be, and if you could actually stop illegal immigration, you'd tank the economy. I'm not saying I support paying people next to nothing to work in a hot field harvesting produce, but I'm also not in favor of $5 apples,

Ever since the GOP decided to court the insane fringe tea-partiers, there hasn't been a "good" GOP candidate. It used to be there were "compassionate conservatives" … not just as talking points but actual candidates. They might be, fundamentally, good people (just misguided b/c hello! conservatives!) and not vomitous

You tell me when you convince a Trump supporter to stop supporting him. I won't hold my breath in the interim for fear of asphyxiation.

He'll be caught stealing in a week.

There used to be intelligent Republicans… but those are the ones who are leaving your shitty party in droves. They aren't voting from Trump.

As sad and scary as it will be, I almost welcome our new insect overlords. The fucking morons who support this shit are going to be the first ones testing out the new waterless showers at Trump Towers/labor camp. You guys want this shit so fucking badly, I can't wait to see your stupid fucking faces when it happens.

Trump's policies are built on racism. Maybe a person is simply ignorant (the state of not knowing) about things like immigration policy. Do a little research and become knowledgeable! Understand what a reputable and a non-reputable source is, and get your information from a reputable source. You eventually will find

I'm sorry, but this conveniently ignores: 1) how Trump made his money in the first place; and 2) how Trump's policies will negatively effect poor people. Those are both glaringly obvious points that none of his supporters have taken the time to look into or think about, at all. It doesn't take much! If you have

Trump likes to *ahem* trumpet his wealth as a way of saying "hey, I'm successful as a businessman; I can do the same for this country." Pointing out that this is a flagrant lie is NOT a slap in the face to the working class. Saying "I'm rich so I'm better than you" which is what Trump is basically saying, IS a slap in