
But they ARE dumb and ARE racist. Dumb b/c jobs going overseas isn't going to change b/c of immigration policy; racist b/c the solution to every problem isn't "build a wall along the Mexican border" and "deport Muslims." There seriously isn't an intelligent and/or non-racist reason to vote for Trump. The fact is these

Such a witty rejoinder! You must be the life of parties and debate clubs everywhere!

Calling him Drumpf is calling attention to the fact that he, too, is a child of immigrants and thus, his stance on immigration is hypocritical and ignorant of his own family history.

"Give daddy his medicine."

I hate it when people say I have chigger bugs. Don't they know the proper term is chiggeroa?!

Aquaman? Creature From The Black Lagoon? Swamp Thing?

Guess the producers didn't like how his audition Turned Out. They thought he was the Wrong Man for the part. They really burned him on this. He was Burned Beyond Recognition and left wondering "What Am I Doing Here?"

My carrier pigeon was shot down by one of his cretinous supporters before it could delivery my message to him! "y u no tak bout evil jews onley moslems?" is the single most burning question I need an answer to!

That also ignores the fact that the Supreme Court basically handed the election to Bush while a national recount was still underway. They illegally ordered a stop to that recount.

Again, hate to come to their defense, but they were probably high on several different types of drugs for those interviews. Surprised they could form complete sentences. Just remember that next time you see a rich famous musician being interviewed. That guys on drugs! It's true a good 90% of the time according to a

Sorry, I know this was a serious discussion awhile ago and is just a punchline now. And I agree there's lines in that song that ought to come with their own trigger warning. But that's more cluelessness than design. I still think a lot of this is creepy only b/c it's coming from Robin Thicke. I have to wonder if the

Ah yes, the "Kid Rock" effect, as I call it.

Haha, classic Pierce! *wipes tear from eye*

Except that isn't what the song "Blurred Lines" is about. If you want to debate whether trying to seduce a married woman if wrong, that's fine, but that's all that's going on in that song. People have misconstrued the chorus (as the only words in the song they know) since the song came out, but basing your

There were several different horror films that used that same effect and that all came out around the same time. So it had the opposite effect on me. (Ghost Ship and, I think, one of the Final Destination films also used it. There was another film too but I don't remember it at all, just that when I saw the effect I

How much of a share? Does a ten-second snippet deserve 90% of the publishing? B/C that's happened before. Do you agree that the Rolling Stones wrote most of "Bittersweet Symphony" for instance? Or is music publishing just a wild west where anyone can ask for anything, regardless of how small the sample or how little

So why is it more expensive to cover a ten-second snippet than it is to a) sample and pay for the sample (in most cases) or b) simply do a cover of the entire song? Weird Al has to pay more money to parody a song than someone who simply does a cover of a song, and this is true whether you take the entire music and

You are only speaking to your own specific ignorance. The idea that sampling is a) what happened in this specific case; b) that sampling is "copy-pasting;" and c) that "copy-pasting" can't be artful are pretty much all absolutely wrong assumptions. But I'm sure you think Warhol's "Campbell Soup Cans" isn't art,

There are plenty of sociopaths; very few go on to be murderers tho. So there's more to it than simply lacking empathy. Really, we just don't know what drives someone to take the life of another person. (As opposed to a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing.)

Don't be around me when I'm blasting Biggie, then! =p