
It's weird b/c as enlightened as I like to think of myself, I still see myself turning to anger as a means of masking my pain. I wish I could have a more adult response to emotionally confusing or painful scenarios, but I tend to react with angry pouting and sarcasm instead.

But it comes with a free Frogurt.

They'd likely delete it anyway, due to their notability guidelines.

You've obviously never watched Dream Warriors. Or you might just be getting Nightmare confused with Friday the 13th. Really, in every Elm Street film, they spend quite awhile setting up the characters, and not just so you hate em and can't wait til they die (that would be F13). The Elm Street films don't work if you

Country wouldn't last that long, sorry.

I thought those were his only weakness.

What's surprising to me is, even tho most of these are current events, one state (Illinois? I suck at geography) apparently still wonders what O.P.P. means!

Reviewer says this movie looks like a beer commercial; why couldn't it have been Schmitz Gay?

CGI from ten years ago, cartoon-like, is what I usually get from my shitty Netflix horror selections. Even the good ones are ruined by trying to show the ghosts/monsters (and not using practical effects).

Which is why I only have sex with corpses.

Used to pay for porn before the internet. Now there's too many free sites out there. The only times I've paid for porn in the last ten (?) years has been one-on-one cam sessions, and I rarely do that.

Don't start with the Danger Doom collab, whatever you do. It'll take twice as long to get into his other stuff. You'll listen to something off Operation: Doomsday and wonder why it sounds like he recorded it by playing a boombox into a microphone and why his samples have singing that he raps over top of. Dude is


You mean lyrics like "man to man/I don't know if they can/from what I understand the parts don't fit"? LOL find me an era of PE without problematic lyrics.

What bothers me is how awful recent Public Enemy and Cypress Hill albums have been. (Granted, I haven't heard PE's last, which is supposedly really good?)

It should be an animated series, so it can take as long as it needs to tell the whole story without worrying if actor or actress will die or age too much over the course of the series, and they could include everything from the books without horrible CGI making everything look plastic and weightless. And the

Stephen King novels with cool endings?

The first one is the only legit great one out of the bunch. I would feel like I missed next to nothing if King had never written another past the first.

Eh, I liked them just fine when they released Master of Puppets and … And Justice For All - both of which sold so well they were headlining massive worldwide tours (Master was 29 and Justice was 6 on Billboard). Personally, I started hated them when they cut their hair and dumbed down their music, but that's just me.