
I used to read Word Up magazine?

He needs a better ending for his cock-a-doody story!!!

No, you came unarmed to a battle of wits. It wouldn't be sportsmanlike for me to engage you full force, would it?

How does it feel to be sooo right? Does it feel good? Did you enjoy wallowing in it for a minute? Yet, you weren't right at all. Even now you probably think you're right, but you aren't. Are you still wallowing or has the doubt started to creep in?

Republicans are so good at playing the victim. It's b/c they know what victims look like.

That's the best part of The Ring: they think they're going to help this spirit find peace and then… haha, just kidding! Gotcha!

Considering he's the Republican candidate for president, I don't see how that's going to be possible. I would LOVE to have a moratorium on him, followed by a trip to the crematorium FOR him, but you know wish in one hand…

How many cops are legit criminals tho? Just recently, Florida PD were found to be money laundering for drug dealers as part of sting operations that went on well past the point where arrests should have been made, b/c all that money was subject to asset forfeiture laws. What a great way to fund lavish dinners,

Idle Hands is definitely a cult classic, but not on the same level as The Craft, and that's b/c it doesn't have anything to say about anything. Heathers, on the other hand…

She's no Bucky Larson, that's for sure!

I'm sure that's where Will.I.Am got the idea from.

It used to be you didn't need to choose between "club banger" and "talented rapper." Then the Black Eyed Peas decided they were sick of being a second-tier backpacker group and started releasing pandering garbage perfect for the dance floor so long as you paid no attention to the rapping. It was easy: plunder old

The comment section tends to be evenly divided or actually more in favor of Drake then not. But then it's also a lot of people just here for the Drake review.

You would be wrong about Drake not getting a fair hearing around here. In fact, while the comments section is regularly split between people fawning over him and people quoting Big Ghost reviews, the actual reviews of his album have been… overly fair? I mean, I fucking hate Drake, so a positive review of any of the

Drake may or may not be fake (his persona is rich, arrogant beyond his abilities, and a softy constantly trying and failing to look tough, so really not that far from who he really is), but he's fucking boring and he can't rap. Like his rapping just legitimately sucks. But I'm not sure any of his fans know what real

Something I noticed on my rewatch of the X-Files: Mulder has a disposable camera in one of the early episodes, which makes a helluva lot of sense. It gets taken away from him and the film is exposed to light, of course. But he never seems to have a camera ever again. (I think I've so far made it to season two.) Most

Maybe they're just trying to put Everything In Its Right Place

Most of the others are objectively better but also pricier. The reason is they use other nuts than peanuts: cashews or walnuts or almonds…

Thought this was more about the Youtube side of the equation but… you realize people have been "trading" music without the artist's consent for as long as recorded music has existed, and proliferated with the advent of the cassette tape. (I would agree that Napster is a terrible way to find out about new music… tho I

Who wouldn't want to watch a movie called Edward Penishands? And the guy has penises for hands? Seriously, I'm not sure why anyone is still making porn parodies when the bar has been set that high.