
Considering the failure was in a piece of network hardware (by RIM's own admission) it should be pretty trivial to rake RIM's network ops people over the coals. Either there was no redundancy in that part of the design, or the redundancy was never tested and wasn't viable, or a suitable backup plan did not

So, I know re-encoding and thereby re-compressing media is murder on quality, but I've never seen the appeal of dumping videos larger than an iPad or iPhone can even display directly on the device. Why not use AirVideo or StreamToMe to convert+stream on the fly (or even one-click pre-convert in AirVideo)?

Are you shitting me? Focusing on the enterprise is exactly why they're in this little perdicament. They have enterprise integration on lock - everyone knows BB does that best. Problem is, less and less people care because the competition is only marginally more difficult to integrate. Easier, even in many cases.

Why Bluetooth? I've never heard any audio send over bluetooth that didn't sound like total ass. Has Bose overcome this? Given their history I completely doubt it.

And if this sounds familiar to anyone, it's because you watched Planet Earth and remember the bit about the ants infected with the cordyceps fungus.

You can. I picked up a .8w green laser from a knockoff vendor in Shanghai for $30USD. Sure it's 20% less powerful than this one, possibly more due to it likely being over-rated, but it is absurdly bright, and can easily, EASILY light up objects more than a mile away.

Try being 6'4" plus, you'll understand the issue real quick.

My legs interfere with the proper operation of your reclining seat. On most domestic airlines, with my ass in the far back of the seat, my knees are about 1cm away from the aluminum frame of the seat in front of me. It's extremely uncomfortable, but like most things awkward for tall people, I deal.

@cgravines: Completely fair - however I think a quota system encourages officers to enforce the letter of the law rather than the intent. Going 5mph over and keeping with traffic - really dangerous? Parked three inches into a different zone, really a big deal? They are if an officer is low on quota.

@gelatinous_d: Handwriting Recognition may be a selling point; but I think the usefulness ends there. I'd much rather type on a big-clunky screen keyboard with one hand than fix inevitable errors with interpreted handwriting.