
It’s spelled “benzoylecgonine.”

I don’t think there’s any justification for thinking the woman felt entitled to put her feet up because she was white and the passenger whose space she invaded was black.

Fuck no. Flame grilling tastes better, even if it’s propane.

When the batteries are charged to full capacity, they don’t last for as many charge cycles. Tesla charges to unlock them to mitigate warranty losses. Any of you could have looked this up.

Slightly limiting the range greatly extends the lifespan of the battery — that’s why they’re doing it. When the battery’s capacity begins to drop, Tesla unlocks its full capabilities for free anyway.

How much of this technology is patented?

Jaywalk all you like, but do it conscientiously. Whether you’re 47 or 15 or 90, cross the street in such a way that you don’t inconvenience drivers of make them avoid hitting you. or worry they might hit you. And don’t cross half a divided street and then stand in the median waiting for the other side to clear.

Regarding interest from AL teams — could a pitcher hit every other game day, or most of them, without disrupting his recovery? Most starting pitchers ice/immobilize the day after pitching, then stretch and do throwing exercises every day until their next start.