
My much younger female coworker said to me today that we have to just accept that this is the way our office runs (dominated by men). It made me so depressed. I used to feel the same—just do your job, show up, work hard, and everything will work out.

Free freezes for all (for all bureaus), it’s the only way. Imagine “freezes” being the default, and you authorize specific creditors to check your credit via an app. This needs to be forced on them. #FreeTheFreeze

Call it out more? Have you been living under a rock? Internalized misogyny is constantly talked about. Maybe you discovered in 2016 that women can hold oppressive views of themselves but pretty much everybody else already knew that.

“And again, it’s younger Indian guys who are more racist” 

Internalized sexism and misogyny is always talked about. Are you new to Jezebel that you don’t realize this?

Please use your dismiss button the the troll.

Use your dismiss button on the troll. He is replying to every commenter.

Both women and men grow up in a patriarchal system and internalize some subconscious bias. Just because some women do it too doesn’t mean it’s ok.

Seems like that’s the story at every large tech company. Work for any big name long enough and you walk away with scars. It’s...ungood.

I’m actually wondering if any of the plaintiffs worked for the guy who wrote it.

PS: “The Memo”: Worst Nicholas Sparks book/movie of all time

PPS: I retract the previous. All Nicholas Sparks books/movies are the worst Nicholas Sparks books/movies of all time

I know some very, very smart women who worked at Google. Briefly. Then they were smart enough to leave. It really is worse than you can imagine.

Somewhere, Ask Jeeves lets out a self-satisfied chuckle.

Everyone, including google, saw this coming a mile away after The Memo.

“Don’t be evil...sexism is fine though, Bro”

And for explosions, a little bit of gas or oil in a controlled area, and usually two people so one can operate the camera while the other sets the pacific northwest on fire again. And then throw-in a third one for good measure and to drive the getaway vehicle.

For most people, the phone part is not even close to the top of the priority list. For many, a smartphone is becoming the only device they have. They are no longer phones. They are and always have been small computers. $1000 for a state of the art, high quality computer that fits in my pocket? Doesn’t sound out of

Keep in mind the original iPhone went as high as $599 with a two-year contract. $999 is pricey, but it’s about what one should expect for a cutting-edge pocket computer. The screen component alone is apparently costing Apple $125/ea.

Videos are a fucking cancer on wikis. I’m not even exaggerating. The metaphor is apt. When videos start showing up they eat away at the usefulness of the wiki. What took 30 seconds to look up, be it a quest branch, an item, a bug fix, is suddenly a pain in the ass. I can find what I want in a field of text, search

I don’t know about other people but when it comes to looking for help with something in a game or anything else I very specifically look for articles and try to avoid videos. First of all I don’t want to hear some strange person talk - Second of all I tend to find these videos have a ton of bloat that I’m not

I’m not even into fallout but this is the last thing I want out of a Wiki. Its why I can’t stand going to IGN for game news. If you just want a few pieces of information- a video takes way too long. At least for me, 90% of what I look up on the Web can be solved with a little text and/or images. If I want a