Moses MacMeaty

Kids. They're so immature.

What's funny is that "robinm"'s original gripe is in JH's usual comedic cadence.

I Love You Man of La Mancha

I actually had the first on this thread, but the AVC moderator killed it (yeah, with fire & AIDS & all, I'm guessing - what boggles my mind is that this is moderated at all).

DJW: Barbequed. Barbequed dog hair.

I'll put an extra five bucks on "prolly not."

Fuck - now I'm wrong.

Did it keep repeating the intro, but never really go anywhere with it…?

And then ate himself into a shame spiral.

I knew a guy who ate a toad and tripped out, man!

Yeeeeeah, nobody's really talking politics here, CL, so no need to be "on."

We're all given to sesquipedalian discourse. And ball bearings. Cause, you know…

I DEMAND to hate on this flick. My backlash instincts are stick on "high" from the Astroturfiness of the "viral" marketing campaign…. Must…. Hate….

RESOLVED: That the butt of a joke is less likely to find the humor component valid than the audience for said joke.

Bu it didn't cost $100+ bucks, either. I'm sure they'll still take 5pts off just 'cause you didn't understand, tho…

I HAS A SAD. I looked forward to ready these as my mid-Monday-morning break, and then my daily mid-morning break, and now…. WAAAAH!!!

Yeah, me too! Saw it in King of Prussia, PA on Tuesday. I've managed to avoid spilling the beans, myself… So far. Hurts.

He has a long list of rules he follows. It's a running gag throughout the movie, and it's VERY funny!

The benefit to seeing it in the theater is they use a lot of slo-mo high-def shit with really well-done blood spatter that looks WIKKID on the big screen.

Fear not - it's funny as fuck!