4 sale: Honda Civic VTEC w. front end viper converson w/ Viper seats. profesionally done, looks stock. over $10k invested in this conversion. turns heads everywher and at shows runs great no issues also recently upgraded rims and CAI $5,000 OBO
4 sale: Honda Civic VTEC w. front end viper converson w/ Viper seats. profesionally done, looks stock. over $10k invested in this conversion. turns heads everywher and at shows runs great no issues also recently upgraded rims and CAI $5,000 OBO
You are a slave if you think that beggaring the rich will improve your life one iota. Chumps like you are suckers for class warfare canards. Do you seriously think that if the government confiscated 100% of the income and wealth of the people you envy and hate it will put a penny in your pocket or do you even care,…
Hello there.
If I have to read a 64 page document on why I need to buy a car I already know I don't want to buy that car.
In Maine they boot you over 100 dollars. Just another reason to not let your other half take your car shopping downtown. Ask me how I know
South Of The Border.
Be wary the 'yellow' by the front tires not under the car and lots of fluid, as it could be a prank. Good times.
Please just make this and send it to the US
Zing, you just earned eleventy points toward your DINAN badge, son.
Cadillac Escalade EXT — Only driven by assholes
Oil change procedure
Anything made by Acura as of late.
In a perfect world, cars would have names that clearly state their intentions, like Honda Snoozemobile or Ferrari…
No, I totally agree, usually Hell's Angels and Horsemen are very experienced riders, and know better. I was mostly talking about the whole stitches outcome.
If the piece is OEM shouldn't there be some type of part number stamped somewhere on it?