Tesla owner here. FSD is a scam and a sham. Autopilot is barely good enough where I’m okay using it on roads, if and only if I don't mind it randomly flipping shit and giving passengers heart attacks because a road dips before a bridge...
Tesla owner here. FSD is a scam and a sham. Autopilot is barely good enough where I’m okay using it on roads, if and only if I don't mind it randomly flipping shit and giving passengers heart attacks because a road dips before a bridge...
I guess California wants to leave the biggest car ban footprint.
Welp, there goes my ability to ever trust a car that’s had serious body work done to it.
From my experience on the NJ turnpike, 80mph won’t cut it either.
To be fair, he did a wicked job on that. Definitely a step up from the normal replica cars you see. Still would rather have an M3 or something for that price though.
I'm waiting for the story from Tavarish on how we'd be stupid not to buy this.
Hmm first year of production? Have fun with N54’s revenge.*
I ended up with a take-it-or-leave-it Captiva rental once. I can honestly say that it was the single worst new 'modern' vehicle I've driven, and had me wishing they could have found a Chevette on the back lot somewhere.
Or maybe get *insert whatever you have a bias towards here*. Dude, its racing. Shit happens to ALL makes and models.
Ok. So I’m not a car person. I only created this account to comment on this lol. I went to school with him and I can say he wasn’t dumb. We’re in college, broke, really needing money. He may have not thought it through properly and I agree with the comments of Hazelwood being unsafe. SIUE is only 30 minutes from STL…
I watch ChrisFix videos. He seems to be really knowledgeable and has well edited and concise videos.
Contrary to popular belief, the answer is this: they work really, really hard over a long period of time.
You are an idiot if you think that crap flies in a publicly run company. Feel free to walk up to the board and state that you don’t know jack about running a billion dollar company but I went to school with your kid so I should be CEO. They will happily tell you to F off. Connections might get you so far but in the…
I love spending long stretches of time with the asphalt splayed out in front of me, the window rolled down, the…
You know what would be awesome? Doing all of this to the 1-series 5-door.