
Pre WWII is what this term typically refers to.

How about they use the dime of yours that they already needed to spend in a way that will improve the lives of your kids and grandchildren?

Besides, EVs have an excellent cost per mile. They might actually be saving you money in the short term too.

Shh. If they let the Cayman take its rightful place in the lineup, it would get 100 more horsepower, but it would also cost $200K.

Can you suspend disbelief for the dozens of superhero movies?

The interference was alleged by our own FBI and CIA. The dossier has already been partially confirmed by phone calls. And the Trump NSA director actually lied to the American people, the Vice President, and the FBI?

Great one I saw today:

Red Don

What sucks is that this kind of thinking is exactly what is running our country right now.

A single video overrules mountains of data in people’s minds. So a few selective video clips are used to justify persecuting entire groups of people. The conservative propaganda machines select videos only of the group they

Man - you weren’t kidding. I wish our car show wasn’t such a joke.

Because you need small rear seats? And/or you like the way it looks.

Sorry - I must have missed the part where you disproved the facts he put forward.

Have you considered that the video might be making that exact point?

They are waiting until Sessions and the Supreme Court are locked up. At that point, all bets are off.

Cannot upvote this enough.

Exactly. I am with you there. We know where this goes. My integrity and humanity are worth a lot more to me than any hassle.

I am also curious how the Rand project works out. Hope you get your boat soon and enjoy it!

RIBs are the SUVs of the boat world.

Not convinced about that nose.

Which is now slower than a 911 Turbo S.

They are building a second round. Hopefully they make it even better, and he gets one of those.

You know that the entire US military runs off subsidies, right?

It’s called public good. And 60 million is a fraction of the cost of one fighter jet.