Auto journalists always neglect to mention that tracking heavy cars with this much horsepower requires forking out $1500 for tires every two track days and pads every 2-4 days. That’s over a grand per track day, plus the usual fees.
Auto journalists always neglect to mention that tracking heavy cars with this much horsepower requires forking out $1500 for tires every two track days and pads every 2-4 days. That’s over a grand per track day, plus the usual fees.
At this point, it really wouldn’t matter if everyone knew who played the Stig. Trying to keep it secret after a decade is kind of flogging a dead horse.
Nice - sourcing rather than stealing. We need more of you on the internet.
And then we will have voters crying out that it’s so unfair that they can’t afford the high gas prices. Again. Will they ever learn?
Freedom. Murica. Woo.
The car I just bought was an order of magnitude higher than your price and didn’t stretch my budget, but I appreciate the condescension. It demonstrates once again that money is not coupled to class or character.
It’s an outrage. There are very few choices for someone who has $2M to spend on a vehicle.
Given Jalopnik’s track record with Camaros, this seems a bit like tempting fate.
I agree, and I wish Jaguar had done it with the XE.
Especially because, in about six months, you could get a Flyin Miata V8 conversion on the ND for less than the Boxster.
I agree with you, but I doubt it will be enough to get it down to a truly sporting weight. I wish this whole car was 9/10 scale.
It’s a gorgeous car overall, but it would be a difficult choice in a price range that includes the Viper, 911, and R8.
Its use is demonstrated here:
Stops speeding. Encourages drifting.
Shouldn’t there be a point in rally where they simply flag a location as a hazard?
Seriously. The guy looked like he was out for a nice, somewhat fast, leisurely drive. This wasn’t remotely “using the street as a racetrack,” and nothing he did was particularly unsafe.
The only reason the Camaro was gaining ground was that the biker wasn’t trying to run. That was obvious from the video, and it should have been obvious to the cop. A sport bike is *much* faster than a Camaro.
Thank you.
Haven’t seen anyone mention it, but the greatest evidence that the biker wasn’t running away is that he wasn’t really going very fast. If he had wanted to run away, he would have been long gone.
What are you talking about? The officer made the situation safe (by alerting other traffic) and then did not escalate the situation. That’s just what they should be doing.