You’re looking at those outfits and the cornrow wigs are the first thing that makes you ask “why”?
You’re looking at those outfits and the cornrow wigs are the first thing that makes you ask “why”?
Joule thief!
Should have picked the Bucks
I love it, but why not just buy a Miata and save $10+ million?
Ya but they made an awesome TV Show with Stargate SG1!
The social credit score plays on one of the worst traits in Chinese society, that of your social ‘face’. To Chinese face is everything, in a way westerners cannot fathom, it’s like having a score card that you are born with and eventually die with. Since most people live and die within a community, everyone knows your…
“But the breakdown of civility is what allowed Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination and the Presidency”
Rooting for the Brownies teaches you not to ever hope for things to change. Whether that be politically, socially, economically, etc.. Nothing changes. Everything is horrible. You will always be let down. There is no God.
finally earned his stripes
They’re going 10-6 this year.
So the 1000 Eagles fans who are planning to attend and expect to see the Eagles, will instead be treated to the sight of Trump singing the national anthem? Whoever at the White House thought Eagles fans would be ok with that disappointment is obviously not familiar with the Santa Claus story.
I didn’t want the game, but the Cavs won by 18 points.
Some of the calls Harden gets are absolutely infuriating, man. I get it, flailing like you get pounded on every call is beneficial and he games the system better than maybe anyone ever has. But it’s just so goddamn annoying and frustrating to watch him play.
But I intentionally go to car shows to look at...
Actually, it’s really easy to be fat.
Plus they get to live in Cleveland!
Finally a chance to throw batteries at someone’s head out of joy instead of anger.