
Which is virtue signalling at it’s best. I’d wonder what percentage of gamers are LGBTQ? I wish the knuckleheads at these studios would stop with all the pandering for pandering sake and for all the free publicity it brings them by being showered with praises in any progressive website to catch wind of their ‘inclusivi

So pandering to the 3% of the country identifying as other than heterosexual, and forcing homosexuality down the throats of the other 97% whether they are comfortable with all the gay references or not is A - Okay? I mean, I dealt with the Homosexuality by holding my nose through all those scenes, didnt make a big

Thank the Game Gods!!! If Bethesda won’t give us all what we want, Obsidian will fill the void! It’s appallingly painful to watch Bethesda crash and burn, but when you have fans who are rabid for more of the same (in a good sense) and all BGS wants to do is shove something else down our throats, then they deserve to

Welcome to your ‘world manifested’, Matt Damon. It’s not so fun when ANYTHING you say will be twisted out of context just because you are a white male (the epitome of world evil). It should just be illegal for a man and a woman to be in the same room alone unless they are married or have had their attorneys draw up