
Wrong. Cuddling, hugging, closed mouth pecks on the mouth with no sexual insinuation is completely normal. Humans are physical beings. In fact, children that are denied loving (not sexual) physical affection develop attachment disorders - see maternal deprivation; it can be a form of neglect. You can also Google the

But this article wasn't about you and your trauma. It was about the author's. You came on here and said because of your's you had no desire to empathize or understand. I merely pointed out that's a little messed up. I have no opinion on your trauma.

Nowhere in the article was she trying to normalize this situation. I think she conveyed pretty well how screwed up it was and how screwed up she felt.

That's great and all but why do you think anyone (especially the author) needed to know, or even cares really, about your unwillingness to empathize or understand? Not every thought or feeling you have is important enough that you have to express it, especially when it only serves to compound someone else's trauma. I

The attraction is normal. Acting on it isn't, and especially if you are in a parent/child relationship. It was his responsibility to protect her from it, and he failed her. Further I would argue that he groomed her and preyed upon her.