
I was totally not hooked! I guess I have to watch episode 5.

I totally clicked on a review of Divinity, right? and not a review of Valiant? It's so much to be talked about in this issue and criticize. The one paragraph where he really talks about the issued just describes things that Alan Moore did with a very similar character perfectly. How does the book engage with that and

What happened to that letter!? I can just imagine the admiral tearing open the envelope, "Hmm a nice ass you say?"

I got a rape vibe from that scene where Don looses his virginity. He definately did not want that, at least not mentally. She had shown him the most motherly affection he had ever recieved and then he has sex with her. Not comfortable. For those reasons, I would have took that exclamation mark off of that point under

First of all this episode is my favorite thing ever. And second, I really don't think Bob had ulterior motives here. Its hard to argue becuause we don't see much of him but I saw the episode as contrasting three different ways of interacting with people. You have Don's way which as the review argues is an asshole way

Yeah I get that I 'm saying that by having these two things going on in that episode, watching Planet of The Apes while young Black people are rioting in New York, there is an implication that the two are similar. I don't think it is intentional but could be seen that way and that is unfortunate.

Anybody get the sense of some unfortunate implications in this episode. There young black men and women rioting all across the country and out of all the movies they could have seen Draper and Bobby watch Planet of The Apes. Not only that but they show the scene where the protagonists find that the Apes have destroyed