
There are only 52 weekends in a year. Do we really need to be racing F1 on almost half of them?”


You should have ripped them onto a computer a long time ago. I’m on my 3rd generation of digital storage for car audio (and I started with cassettes.) First it was a USB drive, then iPod, and now it’s all on my phone. I can carry a trunkload of CDs in a device that fits in my palm.

I honestly don’t watch Indycar because their cars look stupid.

i guess this is the point where i apologize for not including ‘/s’ at the end of my post?  sigh

The ship in question is the SS Arlington, which was a World War Two carrier...”

Old old very old news

You don’t need to go on a cruise. And you especially don’t need to go on this cruise.”

Who buys a beige Ferrari? And why?

If this is your thing, good luck finding one nicer. Buy it and spirit it away to a desert climate before the Florida humidity imposes its will. I see that I’m in a small minority, but I’ll say NP.

This is 100% Florida drivers trying to beat the train

They may be betting on the failure of EVs, but that’s a bet against an entire industry and its regulatory apparatus. Not a bet I’d make”

Sounds like the switch away from CarPlay is going as well as everyone expected.

Must have been an underinflated tire.

Literally anything that you need to adjust while the vehicle is in motion.

a bottle of warm water clears your windscreen safely in seconds (been doing it for 40yrs).

Oh, yes. If there’s one company that can absolutely make an interface that is less buggy than Apple, it’s GM. Thank goodness we’ll be rid of that buggy mess that is carplay

You, standing in the seller’s trailer which reeks of pot, dirty dishes and leaking propane: “Hey, can see that folder you mentioned?”
The seller coaxes a last drag off the tiny joint and leans forward in his torn BarcaLounger, never taking his bloodshot eyes off the Judge Judy rerun playing on the cracked Insignia.

The other problem is finding repair shops that will repair to sub-micron tolerances.

Maybe it’s the TV personality, but I can’t imagine ever being drunk enough to get in a fight with Wayne Brady.

“Window seat”? What’s a “window seat”?