
Whoa, whoa, someone’s not feeling the vibration... Come on, feel it, feel it.

Hey man, $425 is still $425.

Good for Kevin Spacey. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

My cat will drink only out of a specific bowl one of those plastic, divided food dishes and then she will drink only from the right side. If you flip it around, though, she’ll drink from the other right side, so it’s not like she can tell the difference. Weirdo.

Bruno, as the ad states, is a little bit extra... only eating if you scratch him behind the ear

Lenny Bruce faked his death which is why he had to hide his face behind that fence whenever he appeared on Home Improvements

Whoa, over the line.

My parents have much better taste.

I believe Tim Allen when he says that Roseanne is the most diverse person he’s ever met.

Lenny Bruce wishes he was Tim Allen! Lenny could’ve been a star, a real star, had he stopped antagonizing The Man and started grunting like an ape, going on to make millions of dollars playing both that and a toy astronaut, then complaining about how hard and unfair it is being conservative in Hollywood before dashing

Right? I melted a little at that too. There’s no better reason to do something than ‘for the puppies’.

I thought that, too, but she agreed to keep it a secret because Wind Gap probably wouldn’t feel the same, given that slaughter is their major industry and they’re disdainful enough of men with emotions to have decided John Keene mourning his sister is suspicious.

All I’m saying is that I’m noticeably less murderous during the summer when the AC is working.

It’s not unmanly, it’s kind and compassionate. I got the impression that Camille was pleasantly surprised to hear that the cop started out by caring for animals.

As a man who works with rescue animals, it burns me that people still consider men working with animals ‘unmanly’. It’s 2018, grow the fuck up. Compassion isn’t ‘weak’ or ‘feminine’, it’s human. 

“Mind you, I may be playing fast and loose with the age cutoff” — Roman Polanski

Some Pig!

the pig talks to sheep and she needs it to win the local pig herding competition

They do. Also I’m lying.

This episode was excellent, up to the final couple of minutes that destroyed almost all faith I had in the writers’ ability to figure out what this show is all about. I was sure we are in for another cliffhanger towards the end of the escape sequence (which was very tense).

I really enjoyed Westworld throughout Season 1 and essentially all of Season 2; however, the Season 2 finale killed it for me. I now view the show and its redundant philosophizing as an aging philosophy professor who spends each and every semester asking the same damn questions over and over without ever deciding what