
... so not a significant error given the normal parlance of how we talk about language here in the US.

Jon Hamm is so terrific and versatile and he’s been wasted way too often in recent years.

With all due respect, you are now where you should have been all along.

Best episode of television this year, by a significant margin. The last time I was that shocked by a television show was when Ned lost his head. Just brilliant.

pre-teen sex worker

“It’s really a cultural clash,” Cox says in an interview with Variety. “I don’t put up with all that American shit. I’m sorry. All that sort of ‘I think, therefore I feel.’ Just do the job. Don’t identify.””

Even more exceptions to make the rule even stronger! You’re only helping my argument, and in the process making yourself look like a fool! A fool, I say!

“Welcome... to Giraffic Park.”

Horses that are working absolutely do need feed, especially in wintertime when forage is going to be slow. Armies throughout history have issued horse rations. And I doubt Ellie's was finding much grazing in the garage.

Why did the people of Silver Lake resort to cannibalism when they could have been surviving on just sweet nutritious snow, like Ellie’s horse? The poor thing was probably lucky it got shot before its slow death by starvation, or Ellie trying to turn the remaining emaciated pieces of it into jerky. But if people in

So that was definitely Dina trying to get a peek at Ellie, right?

Ya’ll scared of the beyhive? Prince is #1 and it’s not close. 

man i dunno if i’m particularly in a good mood every time i’ve watched an episode or something but i think this has been a really solid season.

Glad to know De Nero and Pesci are goodfellas

I do not think we are in Steve’s mind, since Steve is dead at the end of the episode. The final scene is obviously a flashback to the glory days of the Chippendales, and in particular to the earlier days when Steve got along well with Nick, as he is seen congratulating Nick at 33:32. It is also an allusion to Steve’s

It’s interesting this show coming out not long after Roe was overturned. Showing how wanted births can go terribly wrong and costing the life of the mother. So the depictions of bloody still births didn’t bother me. In its own feminist way, the series is saying that pregancy is a serious medical condition that can end

So You Think You Can Harass.

I’m sure that someone somewhere at some point has taken a picture of me next to someone who isn’t a very good person, or was later found to be a criminal. The silliness of showing Depp next to Manson as if that proves anything is beyond compare. How about we do some actual hard work and look at actual hard irrefutable

did she unequivocally demonstrate she was indeed the victim? No. In fact, the evidence her team entered just raised doubts about the veracity of her statements even more. Let’s continue to give women the benefit of the doubt, but let’s not pretend that every single woman is telling the truth either. 

Amber’s defense really shit the bed.