
"No word about whether every person interviewed had recently given birth to a screaming infant..."

Transgenderism is not equivalent to sex change. Why don't people get this? Is your entire gender identity rolled up in your fucking cock? If you got castrated tomorrow, would you consider yourself a woman? There are TONS of transgender people who don't modify their genitals.

The second I saw this, I knew the trolls would be all over it. Because basic human decency is obviously a foreign concept.

I think it's mostly that she had no idea that consensual fantasies like that exist, or, if she does, she doesn't understand that not everyone will enjoy what she likes.

Country mice moving to the city and city mice moving to the country are tales as old as time. NY is just the quintessential, most glamorous, and most symbolically meaningful big city in the US. After all, it's the home of the Statue of Liberty and of Ellis Island and all of the dramatic immigration stories.