
Because even the most cursory research into this would have shown what a scam it had to be from the start. Anyone who has been to Exuma or researched a trip to there would know that there’s no way the island could support an event of this scale. The airport is essentially 2 rooms and gets a few flights in and out per

I am having hard time feeling too sorry for a guy named William Finley IV. But that’s just me.

So basically Chrissy Teigen is being an adult about her husband’s past.

I hate bike riders. They are entitled beyond belief. Whenever I’m in the left turn lane waiting for the left turn signal and there are bike riders waiting to go straight, without fail they go straight when the left turn signal goes on. So all of us waiting to go left have to wait for them as they steal our turn.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at


I mean if Ted Cruz or Donald Trump gets elected, I am pulling this car over and everyone has to walk home from here.

Bae: girl/boyfriend, significant other, crush, etc. “I’m going to go see my bae tonight, we’re going to see the new Star Wars movie.”

No that is what Netflix and chill mean. 100%.

Other things Marion Cotillard said*:

I hope this gets a million more stars. Phobia as are a serious and real mental disorder and I'm disappointed this was not pointed out in this article. I realize how insane it sounds to jump out of a moving car with your child inside, but this is a woman with a phobia not a woman whom was capable for even a second of

Didn’t we establish that the minimum balance on a starbucks card is $5? *Checks* Yes, yes we did.

There is a special place in hell for people who order delivery during snowstorms. And in that hell, crab rangoon will always be Three. Blocks. Away.

Her era simply didn’t offer that many ways of framing her experience

Rhett is pretty much a grade-A asshole for the entirety of the film, and we’re meant to think it’s a perfect example of romance. I mean, I DID think it was romantic, watching the film as a kid. Watching this clip now, it feels more like a horror movie.

Now playing

Everyone seems to gloss over the fact that the pivotal “romantic” scene from Gone With the Wind was a date rape.

Sorry, but this is gross. I've read all these other stories and yours is the only one where the cheater seems to have had reason to fear she might be in actual danger. All you guys ganging up on her and not letting her leave the table was gross. Dump her, yell at her, confront her, whatever, but when someone wants to

well that was a huge waste of time

oh, this is so sad. That yearbook photo is all kinds of awesome. The world is worse without people like Draven in it.