Melissa Hermes

Recommendations for specific products? Is the coconut oil in the grocery store the same thing? I tried a coconut oil shampoo/conditioner but it was too oily. Like, made my hair feel gross. I have dry skin and curly (read sometimes frizzy) hair. I want enter the cult of coconut oil but don’t know where to start!

It’s on the “risky” list. Water based is pretty much the way to go. Also oils can make you prone to infections in the lady bits as well as clogged pores.

also, sadly there are no lush shops in Montana so I can only get a couple of them.

I got some lush bath bombs from my mother in law last year. Loved them. Havn’t tried anything else from them though.

ouch. yeah a bit expensive. I could see getting a sample one and using it for spot treatments. No sephora in Montana though ):

The korean place closed so I can no longer get miso soup in town. the powdered stuff is no good. I went to the co-op and discovered that there are several varieties. Help? what am I supposed to make soup with?

I haven’t but I do use tea tree shampoo. I’ll check it out. Thank you!

I’m on the hunt for the perfect face mask. I usually use one once or twice a week. I don’t want dyes or perfumes. I have mild acne and combination skin. Recommendations? Especially something I could get from Ulta. Love the return policy!

wait. This isn’t an onion article?

Pro tip for stretching dinners. You can mix in a can of tomato soup with your paste and get the volume of tomato sauce you need for several people. Every few months Albertsons does a quarters sale where you can get tomato soup for .25cents. Add that to a 33cent paste and some spices. The surprise dinner guests are non

I have a concussion. One side effect is most everything tasting like tin, particularly canned food. Good news? I’ve lost nearly 10lbs. Bad news? I’m going into the red because fresh food is about 3x the cost as canned in my area. Doesn’t help that I can’t work right now..

I just got a paperwhite this week. I’m thinking about asking family for a kindle ulimited subscription for christmas. Anyone have any thoughts on it? If there is a series of books are they all usually on unlimited? I’d love some input!

I just got a paperwhite this week. I’m thinking about asking family for a kindle ulimited subscription for

On faking it: My mother used to hide dirty dishes behind the shower curtain when a sudden important guest was coming by. “Oh sure, hun. The Bishop can stop by for dinner in 10 minutes.” lol

So much yes. I have immune issues. Its a requirement that any of my close friends get flu shots. They aren’t allowed in my house until a week after the end of a cold or other illness. Just because their immune system works well, doesn’t protect me.

One of the best bits of charisma I’ve learned has been to mirror body language. I read people very well and adjust my body language, jokes, intonation to match that of the other person.

I have a basket on top of my dresser for things that are neither clean or dirty. I typically wash things like bras, sweaters, slacks, only after they are super sweaty, dirty, stained, smelly etc. By having them in the basket I remember that they aren’t clean but can still be worn. I still do a sniff test before I put

I pack a portable suture kit. Everything you need is in a sterile package (this is obviously not for the layman). Also bandaids of each side. Alcohol wipes. And glucose tablets. That’s my day to day bag.

I’m procrastinating from a biochemistry exam study right now. Funny enough this is a topic on the exam. The browning of the fruit is due to an oxidation reaction with the enzyme tyrosinase. In order to prevent the reaction one must either remove oxygen or denature the enzyme. Oxygen is most efficiently removed by

I just use a 10% vinegar dilution. Pretty much what most of these are anyway. Read the ingredients.

I love “the big one” from Khols. We have 2 and I hate when its in the wash and I am stuck with a different brand.