Melissa Hermes

Please do. As a lady there are a crazy amount of options out there. I have seen some difference in quality but I want to know if there really is a big change between the victoria’s secret and the walmart brand.

Weak sauce. Pun intended.

So this thing is an extra screen for your windows that is meant to block out allergens and other small particles. I was looking into them when the smoke was really bad in Montana a few weeks ago (you think the fires were bad in Cali? that was nothing). The manufacturer responded to my inquiry and said that they would

I’m 24. I want to start an IRA. We are thinking roth. Any suggestions for a couple newly weds who make under 40K?

I love keep. You can pull it up in your browser too and share lists with other people. My family uses it to make to-do lists for eachother as well as groceries. Its fantastic. My husband is making breakfast, runs out of eggs, and updates the list. I see it while I’m leaving work and bring more home. I make a note when

There was also the fact that we had to buy a new reader. I work for a tiny mom and pop. The new reader was expensive.

I had an energy audit on my condo not long after moving in. Unfortunatly there is nothing I can do for the major issues like poor insulation as I’m a renter. One thing that made a major difference though was a programmable thermostat. It was $40 but I got it all back in an energy star rebate. I’ve seen about a $10

I just opened a visa but the rate is way too high. 22% apr. I don’t want to use it as my primary card but I need to close my amex because they have lost a ton of contracts in my area so its practically useless. My band offers a master card. Would that be something to consider? Have the visa and the mastercard and

I have a savings account where an automatic $10 from each pay check goes to. It’s not much but it will add up. I’m looking into 401K’s right now but I think life insurance for my spouse and I may be more important.

I did the same with some of the paper. Not nearly as exact as a digital read but it came back the same between standard water and “alkaline”. Actually my tap water came back a titch more basic.

I’m 24. Currently making about 20k. My husband makes about 10. I’ve just opened my first savings account. I have an automatic $10 put in each month at it has a 1% interest. I have a lot of student loans to pay off once I graduate this spring. I was considering an IRA. Any suggestions?

I sell tempur-pedic. I tell people that you spend all of your time in your shoes or your bed, don’t cheap out on either. I’m wearing second hand clothing but I sleep in a $3k bed and am wearing keens. My back is doing well and i have the energy to work full time and go to school full time.

Any suggestions for dealing with ageism? I’m significantly younger than some people I need to give constructive criticism to. Some have some issues with listening to an authority who is more than half their age.

I bought a car on a loan from my bank a few months ago. I financed about 2 k more than I needed just so that I would be sure to have enough for registration and such. After all was said and done I was able to immediatly repay 1.5k and my credit score has gone up.

If i could just take a couple benadryl and then be safe, I would. That’s not how it works.

I have some crazy allergies but I still get frustrated with people who expect everyone else to change for them. Now I think it’s totally fair to tell everyone around you not to have something around you that could send you to the hospital from the slightest wiff. But if it’s something that you would have to ingest or

I’ve had people bring me furniture where the cushions are moldy or nasty. It’s only worth redoing if you just hate the current fabric or it’s a little worn. If your dog pissed on it, toss it. You can’t pay me enough!

Do you have a favorite recipe? Most of the ones I’ve seen take way too long or don’t end up tasting that great. I buy garden burgers from time to time. Eggs are fine. We’re veggie, not vegan.

I fail to see the need for one of these. My toaster oven cost $20 on a back to school sale. It toasts bread. It cooks fish sticks. What else do I need?

I fail to see the need for one of these. My toaster oven cost $20 on a back to school sale. It toasts bread. It