I read my textbooks on a treadmill. I have no time to do them individually. My university gym has treadmills with really deep book surfaces on them to encourage the practice
I read my textbooks on a treadmill. I have no time to do them individually. My university gym has treadmills with really deep book surfaces on them to encourage the practice
How about for hunger control? I want to eat less but I’m always starving or my blood sugar drops (I have diagnosed hypoglycemia). In the perfect Melissa world I would drink a protein shake and not be hungry or weak in 2 hours.
You forgot Ulta Beauty. I bought a new shampoo and conditioner last week. I’ve used it for 5 days and I really don’t like how dull it’s made my hair. I’ll be bringing it back tonight for a full refund. (:
Unfortunately we missed a lot of the really cool puzzle stuff but the game is still fun. I’m diving into the rabbit hole and solving the original puzzles. nianticproject.com
I’ve just started Ingress
Almost never. I work 3 jobs and have school. My husband works 1 job but has opposite hours. I eat most meals out of tupperware at work. My sewing machine is pretty much a permanent fixture on our table. I wish we could eat together more.
I made the table cloth. Had guests for lunch today and received compliments. Worth the 20 minutes. (:
I switched to an IUD for the conviencence. I found my anxiety disorder to improve some. Maybe the hormones were conflicting with my crazy pills? Who knows? The first 6 months on the IUD were a hell of pain, cramping, and bleeding. Love it now. I’ve heard its easier on you if you’ve been pregnant first.
It’s been a long day. 1.5 hours of physical therapy, 45 minutes of grocery shopping, then 6 hours of work. I’ll be home in an hour. It would only take 20 minutes to sew the table cloth I bought fabric for yesterday..
Happy hour is the best! There’s a gastropub in town that has bison burgers (go Montana) and coctails for $3 a piece. Never actually been there outside of happy hour.
You take up space, water, and the waitress’s attention. If you aren’t ordering food you are costing them money. Not ordering something is a dick move. At least get a drink.
As a retailer at a small business I hate pricing things at x.99. It would save printer ink and effort on my part to make things even numbers. It works, which sucks. People won’t buy a $100 pair of sheets but $99.99 OMG!
At my university recently there has been people spoofing the university police phone number and calling saying your car was being towed and they needed identifying info to stop a bunch of charges or to pay the fee. It’s so much worse because the number is spoofed. It looks like they are calling from UPD. This get done…
I’ve been eating local honey for a few years and I’ve found an improvement in my allergies. Maybe it’s psychosematic. But if it is, and it works, who cares? There’s no added sugar unlike most store brands and I support local farmers. I’m not hurting anyone and I’m seeing benefits.
The fedloan website where you pay your federal student loans requires an E-check. It does not allow you to pay with a credit card. I pay with a direct funds transfer from my bank account.
I’m more concerned with each sweetener’s effect on the waistline and blood sugar. I know people who are diabetic who consume far too much of these fake sugars. It can’t be that much better for them.
My local cobler does. Recently I cheaped out and got a pair of shoes in good shape from a thrift store for 5 bucks and took the inside from them and put it in the good shoes. You can also sometimes find the inside lining at a craft store. Good Luck!
I have really good luck with keen’s and merrells. They tend to last 2-3 years and cost about 100 per pair. My last pair of merrells has just started to wear out after 3 years. I’ve ordered new ones and will replace them when the old ones finally fall apart.
I consider college savings a very strong want. I wouldn't need food assistance if I didn't have to pay 400/month on my student loans.