You're right. It's more like 1 in 5 (at least it was 5 years ago)
Yes, I am saying that the 99+ percent of economists who believe in the concept of an economic multiplier are likely to be correct. I am also one of those economists. I'm well aware that my profession is not "some sort of precise science." It does indeed have "a lot of math in it," and political / philosophical…
Yes, totally. All those morons who dedicate their lives to studying this sort of thing using their worthless Ph.Ds in economics must really not know anything about how the economy works.
No, he isn't. Economic impact is not the same as profit.
+1. The use of a multiplier is also very standard practice in conducting economic impact studies. As with most economic concepts, it can be misused / misapplied to inflate/deflate numbers, and certainly some studies are better than others. But the concept itself is valid.
The concept of a multiplier is not bullshit. It's a generally-accepted economic practice. The question is not whether a multiplier exists, but rather what multiplier to use. It's definitely not a doubling (as the post implies)...usually it's more in the range of 1.2-1.5 or so.
ah, yes. Nothing brings out the crazies quite like a link from the Drudge Report.
Agree in principle...he should be more concerned about fixing the O-line issues (which, generally speaking, were resolved in the 2nd half) than Carroll, Tate, or the refs. That said, his criticisms of Carroll, Tate, and the refs are spot-on.
Agree entirely. +1
Agreed...it's really close to being top-notch though.
I'm also not sure if using 14-point font on a 60-foot billboard was a wise decision.
This is always my argument too. I also add the fact that the only "clean" athlete in the sport was not only the best cyclist in the world, but also almost died from testicular cancer before his run began. Taken together, it's just beyond the realm of possibility in my mind.
Not to mention up to 6 more times for indicating player numbers during substitutions. Without that guy, how would we ever know who was supposed to come up the pitch? PANDEMONIUM.
Very nice. +1
I definitely remember the Dragon Warrior promotion, and like you, I played the shit out of that game. I remember there was some kind of coin glitch where I could keep opening the same treasure chest and essentially get unlimited coins...made things much easier, as I think it allowed me to buy some crazy-powerful…