
What about IOS? No update for us?

Bay Islands in Honduras is NOT on the list...

Honduran. People here think the whole world are crazy about blackberries, and that it's the only phone people abroad use. I found out a couple of months ago that people in Finland barely know of any other phone that's not Nokia.

Where I live, Blackberry phones are pretty big (I don't know why because they suck) and everyone is constantly posting their Pin# to add contacts. That applies to the phone number rule.

It actually makes it easier for a robber to hit two birds with one stone... at least where I live this is not acceptable. I would love to get rid of my wallet though.

These apps look great, but my only fear is that I'm almost sure they suck a lot of the phone's battery life. I would love to track my data usage in general, but this is a drawback.

I gave Disk Inventory X a try about a year ago on Snow Leopard and it was buggy. It crashed frequently and the website states that it's compatible with 10.3. I'm pretty sure the software hasn't been updated in a while.

I've had a Gold account for 7 months now for $7. If the numbers add up, I'll pay a little over $13 a year.

Have you tried activating AssitiveTouch? It's a temporary solution to change your view mode while using an app.

I completely agree with your advice, but even when you're not looking anything can happen. I recommend using this software to better manage the sites your kids have access to: []

According to some reports, widgets won't be included at all on notification center and the home screen will be exactly the same. There's very little to look forward to imo. We need something grounbreaking, like a better multi-tasking system.

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Yeah, there's supposedly footage of his death too. This video shows some of it.

Have sex with a condom always and prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Nope, that's multiple calls and many minutes to outside numbers on other carriers. If I call a number outside of my plan that's on the same carrier, it's only $0.014 per minute. Oh, and those $30 include a $6 insurance plan which I can opt out whenever I want to, leaving me a montly fee of $24.

It is only $30 a month. It only goes up maybe $5 if I call a phone on another carrier.

I pay $30 for a 2GB data plan, unlimited SMS and voice with the people in my "coporate" plan. I did have to pay $500 for my 4S though. I couldn't afford a decent meal for the following couple of months lol.

That's why you can't go wrong with SSD's.

The Bold 9900 is actually a nice phone to work with, but the hardware looks so incredibly cheap that the price tag immediately made me look away.