How about a post about useful homebrew formulas/packages?
How about a post about useful homebrew formulas/packages?
There's no need to buy it. There's an iOS app that works perfectly well, even all the way over here from the Far East.
Following guides like this is the first challenge an insecure person needs to overcome. Just go out and deal with people is enough advice.
哭哭 不要賣萌
哇 妳也會寫中文字 好棒啊 妳很厲害!
Seriously? I've never seen an ad again on YouTube ever since I installed AdBlockPlus on my Macbook. Although, I did install it on my Ubuntu box and it sometimes fails to work. I'll look into YouTube Center though, looks really interesting. Thanks!
To make your Youtube experience a lot better, adding Ad Block Plus is great way to eliminate all of those annoying video ads that play, by force, at the beginning of almost every video you play. Besides, I get rid of the annoying banner ads Lifehacker has too ;P
But when I'm on my computer, I barely even see my desktop. Wouldn't this just hog resources?
So, what options are there for smartphones?
Any terminal and all the commands in unix-flavored systems count?
Nevermind, it's from Otto Schmidth. Thanks!
Hey, can you share your wallpaper? Thanks.
VOTE: Feedly.
But Superman is almost as big as a dumbass as Captain America, isn't he? They both suck because they both represent really abstract ideas. I have always compared almost all superheroes to Batman. Batman actually offers the best about the whole superhero idea, he is of the few that actually offers a…
Fucking Lisa Gerrard without even guessing.
Currently, the biggest beta software ANYONE is currently using is useless Siri on IOS.
Yeah, but with this feature it is not necessary anymore.
Winamp had this feature forever. At least now this makes me want to use iTunes more.