
a good alternative is blue crab: [] but this one costs $29.99. i dunno if the price is worth it

i'm currently looking into an SSD for my late 2008 aluminum Macbook. i really want to have at least the same HD space (250GB). They're still too expensive.

"That's where I waned webOS to be, because HTC makes awesome hardware. ", a spelling mistake in this sentence with the word 'waned', should be "That's where I wanted WebOS ..." #corrections

i really hope that was sarcasm =P, because i couldn't have said it better.

Dear editor, you forgot to mention the big wall in between Mexico and U.S.A.: []

i've wanted my girlfriend to follow at least some of these advices for a long time now. it is really difficult to feel completely unmotivated at something you just hate. the best option in my opinion, is to just quit, what's the worst that can happen?

can you do a mac list on how to boot up quicker?

a computer with at least 5 different ethernet cards. unfortunately, my boss does not want to buy me a card that supports virtual ip's.

can you really compare this app to adium? adium offers almost any type of customization and the amount of communication protocols it supports is pretty big. what does this offer to really consider a switch?

thanks a whole lot man. i actually tightened the screw too much and later left it too loose. it took a while to get it just right, but now the error happens a lot less.

thanks for your reply. unfortunately, i live outside of the u.s. and apple stores do not exist around here. i don't have applecare and i seriously doubt i'll ever be able to take my mac to one of these stores.

thanks, i'll give this a try. btw, have you or anybody else here ever have problems with their mouse clicks. for example, whenever you want to click on a button or it really doesn't matter where you want to click, the clicks just do not respond.

How can I reinstall Snow Leopard in my Macbook without losing all my files? I want to do a fresh/clean install, erasing the hard drive contents first. Any tips on this?

nope, i am actually using google voice. here's proof about it:

i actually use google voice on all my gmail accounts and i don't live in the u.s.a.

nope, front row is no longer in development since mac osx lion

the only thing i've noticed when streaming video through my wireless network is the constant freezing. any idea how to fix it?

i've had this app for a while, but i could never get it to work under snow leopard. any new updates i'm not aware of?