It was stupid. But wearing a costume to a party with a theme of monsters isn’t the same as having Nazi sympathies.
It was stupid. But wearing a costume to a party with a theme of monsters isn’t the same as having Nazi sympathies.
I’m pretty sure they’re referring to Wallis Simpson, the notorious divorcee and Nazi sympathizer. Camilla has no such views, and if she had, they wouldn’t have had much impact forty years after the war.
Apart from Harry, of course, who has literally dressed up as a Nazi in public.
no taint of fucking over DIANA. Literally the only way you could have done worse for yourself is if you had actually been the woman that Joseph was boning while his wife was in labor with god’s baby.
But I agree that Meghan is a more accessible choice to normalize it. Since there is no taint of adultery.
The crazy thing is that without the “no divorce” rule, the Nazis likely would have won WWII, and the monarchy would have collapsed. There’s no point to this comment, it just freaks me out to think about.
Does anyone in their right mind read Samantha’s side of things and think, “Oh, that poor woman! Meghan has been so unkind!”? What a shameless, short-sighted, embarrassment. Every quote is another hash mark in the “No Wonder” column.
Meg and I do not have a relationship now.
I guess a bunch of TV actors were
Charles, who is next in line to be king, is married to Camilla Parker Bowles, a divorcee. Of course, had the stupid prohibition on divorce not been an issue he would have been married to her the whole time. But, still, that’s a pretty big sledgehammer to that tradition.
We finally got the confirmation that the monster future Syd is trying to stop is David. probably turning everyone to shadows because something made him angry. And we see today the raw power he has when he stops the anti-Fukyama delusion spread. He teleports around, transmogrifies guns into mops and picks insanity from…
If I’ve been seeing red flags with Future Syd all season, they became a three alarm fire after this episode. While we get confirmation that David is indeed the big bad in her timeline (I think), David said it best when he questioned whether she or this future is even his.
White House Press Release:
The administration’s entire behavior around this is absolute bullshit. When people raised this issue months ago, the administration basically claimed they had decided not to do it... now they come roaring back with even worse policies designed to just fucking destroy the well-being of any child who escapes persecution…
I truly hope that there is a particularly nasty and painful corner of Hell reserved for people who deliberately harm children