
Young Adult?

Is MasterChef coming back?

The amount of authority starship captains apparently have to make official government policy and foreign relations decisions on the fly is really insane when you think about it.

That ending does kind of do wrong by everybody doesn't it? I HATE that they forced that ending on Rom, whom by all accounts had actually forged his own unique path and found contentment. His happy ending is abandoning the work that he actually excels at so he can be his mother and step-dad's puppet at the top of the

Given what we see of Worf's values over the years, I'm surprise he didn't suggest tracking down the space impregnator and forcing a shotgun wedding on Troi.

Aw man, I really liked the Martok thing, but that is hard to argue with. I think the justification for Martok is that they did properly set up that there was a need for immediate change in leadership, at least to get them through the war. Even if the good general is ultimately a transitional figure, you can still

It seems unlikely that Cardassia would have joined the Federation anyway. Damar's Cardassia at least seems capable of the sort of uneasy peace with the Federation that the Klngons had for years before ultimately becoming allies.

I like how all of Zek and Moogie's reasons for picking Rom just illustrate exactly why he'll be screwed going up a more politically savvy opposition. You don't put a puppy in charge of potentially unpopular reform.

There probably was an interesting "Ferengi trade with both sides of the war" story to tell but I think it would have been pretty tough to break when you consider how the Ferengi characters had been portrayed to that point and the general vagueness of Federation and Dominion economics.

I think they always intended to just have a joke race that they could use for comedy episodes. It's a shame because unlike TNG, you actually had a main cast that could be pretty funny when they needed to. You could have used the Ferengi to do something more interesting (although with all the Cardassian and Bajoran

I think if they keep the rotation of "guests" relatively tight they'll strike a good balance between keeping it fresh and developing some lived-in chemistry. They really only have like 3-4 NPR people they've been bringing in for guest stints, don't they?

If the whole thing just turns into some sort of weird meta-mocking of Death of Superman it will be worth it.

Please, if any Pawnee incompetent is going to stumble his way into the White House, it will be President Perd Hapley.

Worf has to sandbag a little bit because nobody is going to write a glorious song about a one-sided fight that's over before it starts.

It cheapens it a little bit, but you still have to deal with just how apparently easy it was for an evil cabal to play on everyone's fears and buy into this all being a great idea. You still have your good guy leadership saying, "you know, we could really use a group that operates a lot like those evil Nazi

And it's those themes that should really end any discussion of DS9 not being optimistic enough for Star Trek.

Real missed opportunity in the re-boot movie to not have a scene at the academy where all the Cadet's are practicing the double-axehandle in hand-to-hand combat training. That would have been fan service done right.

I don't know why, but I'm on board with this. Flash Gordon is SUPPOSED to be kind of terrible dammit!!!

I only just saw it 3 weeks ago, and even then it was mostly due to limited hospital on-demand options.

Iron Man 3? Although I guess it's not the same without yellow suits and giant evil floating heads.