Constantly riding the clutch

I love XJ’s more than most here. I’ve owned over a dozen of them over the years.

I will post mine from the other side of the equation.

Or you can buy a top-of-the-line head unit for a few hundo and skip all the other stuff. I wanted Bluetooth in my truck but instead of buying a $45,000 2019, I bought a new stereo and spent a few minutes installing it. Saved about $44,800 altogether.


As a huge hocky fan, I’ll try to describe this in a way that makes sense because I know a lot of people don’t follow the sport closely:

Beg...for what reason, exactly?

Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me. YOU ARE TELLING ME. That an issued piece of US military equipment doesn’t work properly in actual field conditions? How dare you. HOW DARE YOU, sir, besmirch the good name of...

Leave it to overzealous politically correct hacks to suck all the childhood fun out of life. Don’t tickle kids, don’t give them candy, don’t smile at them you pedophile you, don’t hug them, don’t look at them funny, don’t say “atta boy” because what if they identify as a female, don’t tell them what beautiful hair

The new Ferrari isn’t a 458, it’s just a Tributo.

in other words you don’t want games to ever be updated past release

Yesterday’s technology at tomorrow’s prices. Plus it looks like a serious hassle to get in and out of. You can have your crack and pipe it, too. 

CP. Typical overpriced technology-ridden BMW. Nobody wants one of these. Only 772 were sold in the U.S. last year. That should tell us something. For this amount of $$ you can get a pretty nice REAL GT car.

I voted NP, why, because fuck you, that's why, welcome to Canada motherfuckers

Engine sounds > crappy stock music

It bugs the hell out of me when other people are on the road when I am. The nerve.

Oh but it’s okay guys, because we offer the new EcoSport in America instead!”

Another fun car we won’t get - at least they made it ugly so we won’t lust for it too long :)

Cars keep getting more expensive, the amount of money/loan payments are going to keep getting more expensive. The problem is wage growth not matching or exceeding consumer goods.

don’t italian exotics normally explode with more fire?

He also ripped Harden at the very beginning of the game, and had a key stop on him with around a minute left (causing Harden to dribble off his foot), and defended this three late: