Constantly riding the clutch

How about a “dawg” mode where it automatically winds down all the windows, sets the autopilot to 10mph and plays “It was a good day” at max volume

Well, this is the worst thing I’ve seen in a while. Thanks Rob.

So let me get this straight - they added a fake, bulbous vent to the door for who knows why, and now are charging you to fill it with a... “door garnish?

The ridiculousness of this Supra keeps hitting new levels, which I did not think was possible.

Great car. I drive mine like a poorly insured adolescent every day.

This is a Saab I would consider buying.

Eye black....cuts down on glare!

This really isn’t a Saab at all (not mechanically anyways). It’s a WRX with Saab styling. Your experiences with Saab aren’t relevant on this one.”

At $15,000 does this WRX-swap....”

I love Subarus, and this looks like a fun car. This is a build I would buy if it was $5,000 instead of $15,000. CP.

Frosted Quakes?!

I’m starting a real estate business selling foreclosures to meth manufacturers. This car will give me the professional persona I need.

Cadillac’s Situation Continues To Escalade

There are two things I really want the OPP to crack down on more.

Then do it, keyboard revolutionary.  

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Hey, I’m an optimistic guy (when my bipolar isn’t raging hard).

Wait wait wait wait wait. Did it get completely buried in this story that the opposing team stayed in the locker room for the national anthem? That makes this a completely different story, and it makes the journalistic context used here seem ridiculous. him or find him to be a gigantic orange buffoon, the

It’s even a fake Toyota.

Those are personal interpretations (and the people in the video are welcome to them). Here is the actual definition:

At first I was out on the styling, but the more I see it - especially in gray - the more I hate it.